Ten I See

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Jake does a video where he wants to conduct an experiment with Colby and y/n to see if pickup lines really work. Colby has been trying to let y/n know that he has liked her for years, but she has never caught on, so this seems to be Colby's last resort.

Warnings: some curse words

Word Count: 1847



Jake: would you be down to film a video with Colby and me later today at like 2?

Y/n: sure bubs

Jake: tanks y/nnnnnnn

"Okay y/n will be here at 2. So, all you have to do is randomly throughout the video use terrible pickup lines to see if she'll like them and agree to go out with you," I tell Colby as we sit on my couch.

"And the video we're filming at 2 is a fake video or what?" He questions as he scrolls through his phone for some pickup lines.

"Yeah, for her, it's going to be a second part to scary facts video that we did, but the only footage I'm using from it is the parts where you use the pickup lines. Hopefully, she falls for you or something happens, or we might have to continue this gig at pizza night tonight," I explain to him as he nods.

"I think I might text her some right now to get things started," Colby says. I nod and grab my camera, beginning to film.

"So, the experiment begins now. Colby is going to text some to y/n right now," I say to the camera before showing them the message Colby just sent.

Colby: did it hurt when you fell from heaven

"Really Colby? I thought the master of all girls could do better than that." He laughs at my choice of words.

"If I was the master of all girls, I would have a girlfriend, but I don't so-"

"SHE'S TYPING!" I shout, watching the bubble with three dots turn into a message.

Y/n: umm what

"Well that didn't work," Colby huffs in disappointment.

"Try another one," I suggest, and he nods.

Colby: do you have a name

Colby: or can i call you mine

"That's better than the first one," I comment, and he rolls his eyes. We watch as the three-dotted bubble pops up again and then turns into words.

Y/n: you can call me your best friend

Y/n: i dont what you are getting at colbs

"Dude, you just got major friend-zoned," I laugh at him and he pouts.

"It's not funny dude. I really like her," He confesses, and I nod, trying my best not to laugh. I know he's liked her for a long time, but she's been so oblivious to his many attempts to show it.

"Okay, try one more and I won't make you do any more until we film later on." He sighs before typing away one last line.

Colby: i think youre suffering from a lack of vitamin me

"If she doesn't get this, then she might be dumber than me and that's saying something," I tell him as we wait for a response.

"She's not dumb. She just can't see what's right in front of her." With that, his phone buzzes, drawing our attention to it.

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