Not Hungry

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Sam wants y/n to tell Colby and the others about her problem, but her problem beats her to it.

This was anonymously suggested by an amazing reader on Wattpad. If you want to suggest something, feel free to message me.

Warnings: talk of anorexia

Word Count: 2156


"Y/n, I really think you should tell someone, especially Colby. He loves you a lot and cares so much about you. He knows that something is up with you, but he can't put the pieces together, not like I did." Sam tells me. His bright blue eyes plead with mine, hoping I'll tell his best friend, my boyfriend, about what's wrong with me. I don't think anything is wrong with me. I feel fine, but Sam seems to think I have a problem, an eating disorder.

"Sam, I can't tell him. I didn't want to tell you, but you didn't give me a choice." I reply as I fold my arms and they rest right above my stomach. God, I hate my stomach. That's why I don't eat much. It's because I hate the way I look. So, I don't really eat, and I exercise a lot.

"Didn't give you a choice?" He scoffed. I roll my eyes at him. "Y/n, I found you laying on the floor in the bathroom. You collapsed from not eating. I figured it out. You wear baggy clothes, like hoodies and sweats, even when it's hot outside. You almost never eat and always say that you aren't that hungry, or you ate earlier when I know you didn't. When you're not wearing makeup, which isn't that often, you look sick. Y/n, I am worried about you and so is Colby and the other guys, but they don't know what to be worried about. They don't know what's wrong and you should tell them."

"First off, I get really cold all the time. I can't help it. I do eat sometimes. And I wear makeup because I like it. You shouldn't judge me for that. I will tell them. Just give me some time." I whisper. I feel kind of bad for putting all this on him, but like I said, he didn't give me much of a choice. He just found out.

"I'm sorry, y/n, but you've said that before. I don't know how much longer I can keep this from them, especially Colby. He comes to me all the time worried about you and I just tell him that you know how to take care of yourself. I hate lying to him. Please don't make me do it for much longer." Sam begs. I look at him, tears rimming my eyes as I let out a huff.

"Fine, Sam. I promise I try to tell him soon. Just know that this is hard for me and is something I've been dealing with for a long time." A tear slips out of my eye as I shift my gaze from him to the pink wall in his room. If I keep looking at him, I'm going to break down in tears.

"Y/n, I know this is hard for you, but once you tell him, he will help you and it'll make it easier." He tells me as he pulls me in for a hug. I wrap my arms around his waist as I lean into his comforting embrace.

"Thank you, Sam. I know it's hard for you to keep a secret, but thanks for doing that and for being here for me. Not a lot of people do that." I tell him as my face is buried in his chest. His hands run up and down my back in a calming manner that makes me feel so safe here with him. He pulls away and wipes away the few tears that escaped my eyes and fallen onto my cheeks.

"I'll always be here for you, y/n, and so will everyone else. We love you." He smiles. His smile could always make me smile and feel ten times better. I smiled back at him.

"Sam! Y/n! We're ready down here to film!" I heard Colby yell from downstairs.

"That's our cue," Sam whispered to me as we left his room. He headed down while I went to the bathroom really quick to make sure no one could tell I was crying a minute ago. I checked my eyes and face, and everything looked good until my gaze traveled down to my body. I absolutely hate my body. There is nothing more I hate than my body. I see all these girls the fawn over Colby and they are so skinny and beautiful. I am not. I wish I was, but I am not.

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