Something There That Wasn't There Before

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After a meaningless kiss one drunken night, the friend group notices a difference in Colby and y/n's relationship, though they don't. They barely even remember it, but that doesn't stop their group of buddies from pushing them together.

Warnings: some curse words

Word Count: 2527


"So, what have you been up to, girlie?" Tara asked as she skipped on along to the couch with Katrina, Devyn, and Cassie following in behind her. I roll my eyes at her before shutting my apartment door behind them and make my way over to the couch with them.

"Well after work, I took a shower, tidied up around here really quick, and then worked on a few songs," I tell her as I plop down on the couch next to her.

"Oh, so you have been busy," Dev adds, earning a nod from me.

"Yep, I've been going nonstop since like seven this morning and it is now..." I let my words trail off as I glance down at my phone to see the time, "five o'clock."

"What songs were you working on?" Cassie wonders as she reaches for the papers I had laying on the coffee table in front of us, but I swiped them before she could grasp them. She gave me a fake pout before leaning back onto the couch.

"You know that I want to keep them a surprise," I say as I get up to put them on the kitchen counter.

"I don't know how you do that. I can't keep my songs a surprise. I have to at least tell Sam," Kat speaks her opinion and I laugh.

"I can't either. I tell someone, but I want them to be a surprise to you guys."

"Who do you tell?" Tara asks, her curiosity getting the better of her.

"Probably Colby," Kat snickers as I nod.

"That is exactly who I tell. He's my best friend. I couldn't keep it from him if I tried," I explain.

"I think there is something more going on between you two that you guys won't let on," Kat starts, and I roll my eyes.

"Are you serious? This again? We don't like each other like that," I protest. Ever since Colby and I kissed a few weeks ago when we were each out of our minds, blackout drunk, everyone has been saying that we should get together or that they think we already have and are just hiding from them. I don't even remember the kiss and neither does he. I honestly wouldn't believe them if it weren't for the video Tara took while also being highly intoxicated.

"You guys have been acting different ever since that night, y/n. You can't deny that. It's obvious," Cassie states and the girls nod along with her in agreement.

"That's the thing though. We haven't. Literally nothing has changed except for the fact that you guys and everyone else has been egging on a relationship between us. If anything has changed, it's been the way you all act," I defend myself. It's been annoying to be honest. The constant pushing and interfering has been getting on my nerves. I wish it would stop, but I know that they probably won't until we get together or one of us snaps or if we stop being friends all together. I don't want any of those to happen.

"You always sit next to him or even lean into him at pizza night," Devyn brings up.

"We are best friends, so what?"

"He gave you his hoodie the other night when we went to Chipotle," Tara mentions, and I roll my eyes again.

"Can he not be a nice guy? It was freezing that night and Jake gave you his." I fight back.

Colby Brock ImaginesOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz