Too Much To Handle

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Y/n reads the comments of a video her and Colby filmed recently and due to the amount of hate, she deals with it in her own way. When she wears a hoodie the next day in the LA heat, Jake and Corey get a little suspicious.

This was anonymously suggested by an amazing reader on Wattpad. If you want to suggest something, feel free to message me.

Warnings: some curse words; self-harm; mentions of depression

Word Count: 1635


"I'm gonna beat you, Jake!" Corey shouted as his big brown eyes fixated on the TV screen.

"You wish," Jake scoffed. I watched the two play Rocket League from the other side of the couch. A light giggle escaped my lips in response to their competitive banter. We all three stared at the screen as we watched their cars drive around, trying to get the ball in the goal. As I gazed at the game, my mind began to zone out, thinking of what I did last night.

"Okay, love you! Bye!" I say to Colby before pressing the red button to end our phone call. I press the home button to return to the main screen and hesitate for a second before inevitably tapping on the red app with a white play button to open YouTube. Colby and I made a video to announce to his subscribers that we are in a relationship. He felt after being together for nine months that now was a good time to tell them. I have been refraining from looking at what everyone is saying for the past several days, but I can't any longer.

I scrolled through my subscriptions until I found Colby Brock and clicked his most recent upload, "Meet My Girlfriend". I let the video play as I scroll down to the comments. The top ones are very nice and supportive of our relationship. There are a few people that were so happy that Colby finally got a girlfriend. Some were super nice about me, saying they thought I was pretty or cute or nice, something along those lines. Then, I hit some mean ones.

"Why would Colby go out with her? She is so ugly and not funny or anything. She has zero good qualities."

"I don't see what Colby sees in her at all"

"Colby can do soooooo much better"

"Really, Colby? Her?"

They got worse and worse as I scrolled down. Tears pricked my eyes as I read each one. It's like I couldn't stop once I started.

"She's so fat and ugly and Colby isn't at all. Guess opposites really do attract."

"I'm literally throwing up. She looks so gross."

"If I were her, I'd kms. I mean look at her."

Tears stream down my cheeks as I finally shut my phone off. They aren't wrong. All the thoughts I used to have when I was in high school came back. I am ugly and fat and I don't deserve anyone, especially Colby. He could do so much better than me.

I got up and headed to my bathroom. I stared back at the sad girl looking at me. Even though I had made a lot of progress, mentally and physically, I still saw the old high school y/n when I looked into the mirror. She was fat and she was ugly. She was undeserving of love. Colby is such a sweet and amazing guy. He's cute and hot and the fans were right. He can do better than me. I am nothing, but hideous to look at and messed up on the inside.

My hand trembled as it reached down to open the cabinet under the sink and stretched out to grab a small box that I kept hidden at the back. I placed it on the counter, sliding the lid off to see that hated contents that reside inside. I pulled out a blade and it set in what I was doing. I hadn't done this in years, but here I am, doing it again.

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