Through It All

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You find out some awful news about your best friend but thankfully you have Colby by your side.

Requested by an amazing anon on Tumblr who I'm sending all my love to right now 💙 If you want to request something, feel free to message me or leave a comment!

Warnings: death of a friend; mentions of drunk driving

Word Count: 1.2k+


It was a call you hoped you would never have to receive. Or at least, you didn't think you would receive it so soon. Maybe later down the line when you were older and closer to your own passing. Your mind wouldn't let you believe the words that came from her mother. You knew they were true because she would never lie to you, especially about something like this, but your brain was having such a difficult time believing it.

There is no way she is actually gone, right? I mean, you were just on FaceTime with her less than ten hours ago. She was telling you all about how much fun she was having with her family on her trip home. She was missing them so much last week and decided to go visit them. She was with her sisters at the mall and was showing you these new boots that she could not wait to wear. Now you wonder if she even got to wear them. She was always a shoe lover. You had some of her shoes in your closet right now and she will never get them back.

At least you have something to remember by but now that you are looking around your room, you see that you have a lot of stuff that reminds you of her. Many pictures adorned your walls and there were only a few that didn't contain her beautiful face in the shot. Each image brings more tears to your eyes, but little chuckles come from you as you look at all the fun memories you two had. Your finger came up to meet a picture of you with your best friend when y'all were small children. Dirt covered your tiny bodies after y'all had a fun day of rough playing in her muddy front yard. You each had bright smiles plastered on your faces and your arms wrapped around each other.

You turned to your dresser and reached for your jewelry box. Your fingertips grazed the several friendship bracelets that the two of you had made at several summer camps then slid over to a few of those best friend necklaces y'all had gotten from Claire's. They'd never be the same because the person who had the other half was gone. Your other half was gone.

After slipping a few of those bracelets on, you moved to your bedside table to grab your phone and then made your way to the living room, plopping on the couch. You dialed the number of the only person who could bring you some sort of comfort in your dreaded situation and brought the phone up to your ear with your trembling hand. There were a few rings, as you expected with it being the middle of the night before the deep voice flowed through your ears.

"Y/n? What's wrong, baby? It's the middle of the night." He knew something was up. You would never call him at this time of night of something was not wrong.

"Um... Can you come over here please?" Your voice wavered, signaling that more tears were on their way. You could not bring yourself to say the words of what actually occurred to bring you such sorrow. It's just too much for you at the moment.

"Of course. I'm on the way right now. Do you want me to stay on the phone with you?" Colby was always such a sweetheart, but you did not want him distracted on the road, mainly because you could not lose another person to the carelessness of a drunk driver.

"No, I'm okay. Just please pay attention," you pleaded. He assured you that he would give his full attention to the road and those who inhabit it before he said goodbye and ended the call. After placing your phone down next to you, you brought your knees to your chest before completely breaking down.

It only felt like you had been crying for maybe five minutes when in reality, it had been more like twenty because Colby was already at your door. Colby took in your sad appearance as you fell into his open and comforting arms. He picked you up, shutting the door behind him with his foot, before bringing you to your bed. He laid you down then climbed in behind you. He still doesn't know what has caused you to be so heartbroken but all he knows is that you need him, and he will be here for you as long as you need. You cry into his chest for God knows how long before you sit up and face him.

"Uh... she died," you speak through your scratchy and broken voice as you keep your focus on the worn-out woven threads that were once very vibrant shades of yellow, blue, and white but are now very dull and fraying in places. Colby's line of sight follows yours to meet the bracelets and he puts the pieces together.

"Oh babe, I'm so sorry." Your best friend was as close to you as he was to Sam. In fact, y'all were probably even closer since y'all had literally grown up together. Your mothers were close work friends and got pregnant around the same time. This led to you two becoming basically sisters.

"It was a drunk driver. She died on impact. There was nothing they could do," you speak as you meet your boyfriend's gaze. His bright blue eyes look at you with such sadness as he nods his head at you and pulls you back into him. Tears flow until there are no more left in you and you stare blankly at the wall that is filled with pictures. Your eyes dart to each image and you think back on each memory. From beach trips to parties to sleepovers to your spontaneous photoshoots, the memories bring a small sad smile to your face that rests against Colby's chest.

"I miss her, Cole," you say softly, your voice barely above a whisper. His fingers toy with the ends of your hair as he leans to press a kiss to the top of your head.

"I know, baby. I know you do," his voice sounds so low and gentle above your head. You lift your head, resting on your chin so you can look at him. He looks into your eyes before his gaze shifts to a fallen hair that was in your face. His soft fingertips brush on your face as they glide down it to push the hair behind your ear. His fingers trail from behind your ear down your jaw before he brings his thumb across your cheek to wipe away the leftover tears.

His eyes go back to lock with yours and when he does, the tears come back and your lip quivers. Colby's arms wrap around you, pulling you up a bit. Your head finds its place in the nook between his neck and shoulder. His hand comfortingly rubbed up and down your back as your body racked with sobs. You knew this was not going to be easy and you would never forget your best friend, but you were so happy to have Colby by your side through it all. 

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