My Dork

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Sam and Colby invite you and Jake to explore a recently abandoned hospital with them and things don't go according to plan.

A/N: I didn't have a lot of time to edit, so sorry for any errors :) 

Warnings: some curse words

Word Count: 1.8k+


"This is the Saint Luke's Medical Hospital," Sam announced as he zoomed in on the large building ahead of you four. You were slightly freaked out by the number of signs telling you that there was a guard dog around that you should beware of, but the boys did not seem to care that much.

"Look, there's a big fat boob on the top," Jake whispered to the camera as he pointed to the brown dome shape that sat at the top of the building that also had a small cone on top of that, resulting in a breast shape.

"There's a big fat boob right here," Colby giggled as he pointed to your chest. Your eyes widened and you stifled a laugh. You two made those kinds of jokes all the time, but he has never done it on camera.

"Colby!" you shouted before chuckling at the joke. The other two boys laughed as well before continuing to walk forward.

"You're supposed to honk 'em, right?" Jake asked as he made grabby hands, still going along with the boob joke. He then made a car honking noise with his mouth, causing you three to burst out in laughter.

"Yes, Jake. Go do that. Your goal today is to get to the top and honk that boobie," Sam influence his friend before Jake ran ahead and he made grabby hands towards the building.

"How do we explain that to security if we get caught? Like what were you doing in here? We're trying to honk boobies," Colby joked as you rolled your eyes, realizing you were stuck to explore this hospital with three immature idiots. A noise caught you all off guard and you looked to Colby as he looked off at the building.

"That's the dog," Sam mumbled, looking in the same direction as Colby. You walked forward with the group to see the dog that sat behind the glass-paneled door. The dog barked with each step you guys got closer. You, Jake, and Sam backed away, but Colby's dog-loving heart got closer to talk to it.

"We're gonna come explore this hospital, okay? And we're just going to look around for a second, alright? And then, we're gonna leave, okay?" he told the pup in his talking to animals voice.

"Wait, dude, if there's a dog right there, that means there's a person right next to it," San warned.

"There's just a guy just listening to me say 'We're just going to explore this hospital'," Colby laughed at the thought as he walked away from the dog. You all went around the building to find the door that y'all saw earlier when checking the perimeter of the place. There was a door that was wide open, so you all figured that would be the best way to enter. Once you guys arrived at the door, Colby peeked his head in and began making kissy noises.

"What are you doing?" Sam asked his best friend.

"I'm just making sure the dog knows that we're coming in," he spoke with a giggle. "Dude, wait. This is the part where we decide right now, do we wanna get bit by a dog or do we wanna be safe?"

"Did you bring the meat?" Sam asked Jake and Colby before the two pointed at each other.

"Colby's got a fat ass. Bro, that dog has food for days. Ain't that right, y/n?" Jake asked you as you nodded your head confidently.

"Why do I always have to go first?" Colby whined before grabbing the camera from Sam and walking forward. When he walked in the door, you all heard a click. You all walked away from the door to discuss the noise before deciding to go back.

Colby Brock ImaginesOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant