The One That Got Away - Part 2

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Y/n and Colby discuss what was heard the other night and decide to wait a little before trying a relationship. Later down the road, the two may have missed their shot.

Warnings: some curse words

Word Count: 4213


"What are you doing here? You weren't supposed to get here until next week!" Colby shouts after opening the door. He picks me up in an embrace and swings around with me in his arms.

"Surprise! I came early!" I awkwardly chuckle. He sets me down and shows his confusion all over his face when we pull away.

"What's up? That was the fakest sounding excited voice I've ever heard come out of you." He pulls me inside his apartment to the couch and we sit down. The awkwardness radiating off of me was filling the room. I don't know how to go about this or how to start this? What do I say? 'Hey Colby, I was coming to confess my love for you and tell you I'm ready to be with you, but instead I heard the God awful moans of the girl you were slamming yourself into.' I can't say that. He's looking at you, y/n, waiting for something. Say something, damn it.

"So, I actually came in yesterday afternoon. Jake picked me up and said Tara really wanted to meet me, so I hung out with them last night and stayed over there," I say. Way to go, y/n, you didn't even touch on the problem at all. I mentally facepalm before Colby speaks.

"Where'd you sleep? There isn't much room over there," He chuckled lightly. I let a small smile show on my lips before answering him.

"I've slept with Jake before, but I felt weird about it since he has Tara, so I took the couch. Plus, Jake sleeps with Taco Bell packets and God knows what other food and random shit is in that bed with him. The couch was probably the safest option anyway." I tell him as I giggle at Jake.

"Yeah, I found a chocolate chip cookie with a bite taken out in there one time." We laugh together before it sets in that I have to bring up what I heard last night.

"Okay, but the real reason I came early was because I had to tell you something. I wanted to tell you that I was ready to be with you." I watch as his face grows red and his smile seems off, like he's happy to hear the news, but something's stopping him.

"You said 'wanted' and 'was' as in past tense," He mentions as his normally happy blue eyes appear sad.

"Yeah because when I came over here to tell you that last night, I heard that you were um... busy." The words felt gross in my mouth and his expression faltered when I spoke them. He felt guilty from what I could see.

"Oh... Y/n, I'm sorry-" I cut him off before he can say anything else.

"You don't have to be sorry. We weren't together. We aren't together. You didn't do anything wrong. I just wish I would've come sooner and maybe that wouldn't have happened. I took too long to get over Ryder. It's my fault," I finish, and he shakes his head.

"No, y/n, it's not. I should've waited, but I wanted you so much and you weren't here, so I felt like I had to do something else to get you off my mind, but it didn't help. I still could only think about you."

"Ew, gross." We both chuckle before getting back to the serious topic of discussion. "I love you, Colby, but I don't know if now is a good time for us," I say as I look down, trying to force my tears to stay back.

"I hate to say it, but I agree with you, y/n. Maybe we should wait on us," He says, and I nod, bringing my gaze back up to him. Hearing him say that broke my heart even more if that's possible, but he's right. I'm right. Now isn't good for us. But there will be an us. Just not now.

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