Merch Meetup

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Sam has been telling Colby about the girl who helps him design his merch and how he thinks they would be perfect for each other. When she comes over to get started on some of Sam's ideas, he introduces the two, and Colby has to get closer to her.

Requested by an amazing anon on Tumblr 💙 Feel free to comment or message me if you want to request something.

Warnings: some curse words

Word Count: 2105



"She is literally so perfect for you, dude. I'm sure you two will fall in love instantly," I tell my best friend. He rolls his eyes at me. I know Kat has tried to fix him up with several of her friends and it never works, and now I'm doing it. But I know he will love this girl. She is literally the perfect person for him.

"What do you mean? What is she like?" He sighs as he puts his phone down. Okay, looks like I've got him hooked. He is interested and is giving me his full attention. A small smile plays on my lips before I begin to describe her.

"Well, she is exactly your type, looks-wise. She is super smart which I know you love in a girl. She's creative and funny and she has good style. She likes to travel, and she has a little dog named Doc. You two have the same type of humor and if you check out her Twitter, you'll see she posts deep tweets too. She's carefree and fun and I know you will love her when you meet her later today." His eyes widen at the last bit of information.

"Today? I'm meeting who you think will be the love of my life later today?" He questions as I nod.

"Yeah, she's coming over to help me design merch. She's a merch designer for Fanjoy," I fill him in.

"What's her name?" asks Colby.

"Y/n," I watch as a smile grows on his face when I say her name. He is already in love with her. I can tell.

"I like her name. It's pretty," He gushes. I roll my eyes playfully.

"Yeah and so is she. So, I suggest you go change out of those sweatpants and that hoodie you have been wearing for a few days and go shower. She'll be here around two," I inform him before he hurries off the couch and to his room. I hope he doesn't mess this up.


"Y/n!" I shout excitedly as I swing the door open to let her in.

"Sammy!" She reciprocates my same energy when returning me a greeting. I pull her into a quick hug before we move to the kitchen, sitting at the counter.

"Do you want anything to eat or drink?" I offer as she pulls her laptop out of her bag and places it on the countertop. Before she can reply, Colby yells from the next room over.

"Hey, Sam! When is your friend supposed to get here?" I mentally facepalm and shake my head at him. His back is facing the kitchen so he can't see us, and I guess all he heard was my voice, so he knew I was here.

"Um Colby, she's right here," I tell him before he spins around in his chair, moving his attention from Dig Dug to y/n and I. She gives him a small wave before giggling softly to herself. Maybe she found his awkwardness as cute and charming? We can only hope. Colby made his way over to the kitchen island, leaning against it.

"Y/n, this is my best friend, Colby. Colby, this is y/n, Fanjoy merch designer." The two shake hands and I notice both of them are slightly blushing. Maybe this is working?

"I like your name," Colby tells her, and her blush grows even more. She giggles once more before thanking him for the compliment. The two make a little small talk before Colby leaves us to get some work done.

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