Stupid Cupid

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Normally, y/n and Colby spend Valentine's Day together because they are both single, but this year, y/n has a boyfriend. Her Valentine's date takes an unexpected turn, ending with her night spent crying in Colby's arms.

Warnings: some curse words

Word Count: 2794


"Colby likes skittles, right?" I ask Sam as I hold my phone to my ear with my shoulder. My hands were full of a few stuffed animals and a cute basket that I had found and filled with several kinds of candy. Normally on Valentine's Day, Colby and I both are single, and we stay in, order some food, and go get discount chocolate the next day. This has been our tradition for the past few years, but last March, I started dating Josh and we've been together ever since. I decided to get something together for him since all his best friends have girlfriends and I have a boyfriend. I think it will brighten his day and make him happy.

"Yes, he does. Who doesn't like skittles, y/n?" I hear Sam's laugh bellow through the speaker of my phone. I giggle along with him at myself.

"Leave me alone, Samuel. I just wanted to make sure, so I decided to call his other half. You two are basically married at this point." We chuckled together before I heard a beep on my phone. I sat down my basket before looking at my phone. Josh is calling me.

"I got to go, Sam. Josh is calling me." I say quickly.

"Okay, bye," Sam says before I end the call to answer Josh. I press the green button and place my phone back where it was so that I can grab my basket and continue shopping.

"Hey, babe!" I say excitedly. I haven't talked to him since last night when I fell asleep on him on FaceTime.

"Hey princess, I was just calling to let you know that I am picking you up at six tomorrow for dinner." I heard his sweet voice tell me. A blush rose to my cheeks at the nickname. He calls me that all the time and every time, I feel butterflies.

"Will you please tell me where we're going?" I whine into the phone as I look through the Valentine's Day cards, trying to find one that's perfect for Colby.

"Nope but dress nice." He's been aggravating me all week by not telling me where we're going, but tomorrow night, I will finally find out.

"I hope you know you're annoying," I inform him, and he chuckles in response.

"I know, but you love me anyway." I smile and nod my head, forgetting he can't see me.

"Yes, I do. I do love you." I tell him as I smile like an idiot in the middle of this store.

"I love you too, but I got to go. Jackson needs help getting his Valentine's shit together for Ava. I'll talk to you later, princess." He tells me before we say our goodbyes and hang up.

I love how Josh is always there for Jackson. Those two didn't have the best life growing up, but Josh was always there for Jackson no matter what. Jackson is Josh's younger brother. Jackson is a senior in high school and Ava is his first serious girlfriend, so I know Jackson wants to make it special for her. Ava is a super sweet girl in Jackson's math class. He asked her for help on a problem that he already knew how to do just so he could talk to her. They started studying together and eventually, he asked her out. They are so cute together. I love it.

After a while of looking around, I finally got everything together and checked out at the store. I loaded it all into my car and headed back to my apartment building. I got off the elevator and passed the guys' apartments to get to mine which was right next to Colby's. I quickly ran into my apartment, in case Colby decided to walk out right then. I didn't want him to know it was me. I want to surprise him.

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