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Colby convinces y/n to go exploring with him and Sam at an old abandoned hospital, but things take a creepy and unexpected turn.

Warnings: some curse words; mentions of the Holocaust

Word Count: 2395


"I cannot believe you talked me into this, Colby," I say to my boyfriend as he drives his red Toyota Corolla to a creepy ass hospital. Sam chuckles in the back seat to which I send him a death glare. He laughs even harder and I roll my eyes as I huff out and stare out the window.

"I promise you'll have at least a little bit of fun," Colby reassures me as he rests his right hand on my thigh to calm me down, keeping his left hand on the wheel. I'm not gonna lie. I'm freaking out a little bit. I've never liked hospitals anyways, so to be going to an old, creepy one that has been abandoned for years, I'm not very happy about it.

I gaze out the window watching the trees as we pass them, wondering how much longer it would be until we get there. Colby starts slowing down and pulls over onto the side of the road. I look around and see nothing but trees. Not a hospital or any building for that matter insight.

"Colby, please tell me y'all aren't going to kill me out here. Where are we?" I state. You could hear how nervous and scared I was in my voice. I hear the two boys laugh and look over to see Colby with a huge smile on his face.

"No, love. We're not going to kill you. I would never do that." He says as he pulls me close to him to kiss my head. "We have to walk that way to get to the hospital." He informs me, pointing in the direction of a narrow trail hidden by the trees that I didn't see earlier. I let go of a breath that I didn't even realize I was holding.

"Okay," I whisper as we all get out of the car and open the trunk to get our backpacks full of supplies, flashlights, and the camera. After we got everything out, Colby shut the trunk and Sam set up their camera on the car. He turned it on, and Colby began their intro.

"What's up, guys! It's Sam and Colby," He shouted to the camera. I loved to watch him film videos because he loves it so much and you can tell. I smiled as I watched him do what he loves.

"And today, we are exploring an abandoned hospital with y/n!" Sam shouted excitedly and looked over at me.

"Hi, guys!" I stated just as loud and excited as they did, trying to match their energy no matter how nervous I was on the inside.

"Okay so we parked on the side of the road and we're about to go down this little trail to get there," Colby said as he picked up the camera and pointed it towards the path. We started going down the path and Sam and Colby began to explain the history of this place.

"So, this hospital was built just before World War 2 and was used as a mental asylum. I read somewhere that a big group of the patients came together and planned to kill all the guards, nurses, doctors, and anyone else in their way and escape. When the day came to execute their plan, all of the people they were going to kill were gone. When the patients walked out of the building, they were taken by German soldiers and no one knows what happened after that. It is assumed that they were taken to concentration camps and killed there." Sam explained to the camera as we walked down the path. The hospital was in view now, but we still weren't very close to it.

"I heard that you can still hear the maniacal laughs around the hospital," Colby said, and I stopped dead in my tracks, causing Sam and Colby to stop as well.

"What? You can still hear them laughing. There's no way in hell I'm going in there. Sorry, but no," I told them. Colby came up to me and grabbed my hand.

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