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Colby takes care of his best friend, y/n, while her monthly visitor is here.

Warnings: some curse words; mentions of period things (blood, tampons, etc.)

Word Count: 1530


I groaned as I flopped onto my bed, resting a hand on my cramping stomach. Today was one of the days that made being a girl really fucking suck. Just because I decided that I didn't want to have a kid this month, my body wants to make it feel like hell in my abdomen.

I groan again when I hear my phone ring. I grab it and read the name of the person calling me. Colby Brock. I sigh, just wanting to be left alone right now, but I know he won't. I love him to death, but if he knows I don't feel good, he won't leave. It's sweet, but it's a little annoying as well. I press call and then put him on speaker, laying the phone next to me as I stare at the ceiling fan spinning above me.

"Y/nnnnn!" I hear him drag out my name. It's cute.

"Colbyyyyy!" I copy, saying it in the same whiny tone he did. I hear him chuckle on the other end which brings a small smile to my face.

"What are you doing?" He asks, his voice sounding like a little kid's.

"I'm laying in my bed. What are you doing?" I return his question right back to him.

"I'm coming over." I hear a door shut in the background as he says that. Before I can protest, a knock sounds on my door. I begin to regret getting the apartment right next to him. I grumble as I sit up and rise to my feet before making my way to the door.

"Hi!" I say as I open the door, trying to sound as happy and enthusiastic as I normally am.

"Hey, do you have any plans for later today?" He asks me as he walks into my apartment and sits on the couch. I follow him and sit down as well.

"Um, no. I was just going to have a chill day here. You know, lay around and not do a thing." I say, hoping he catches the hint that I want to be alone in my pain and bloodshed. He obviously didn't get it.

"Oh cool, I don't have anything to do today. We can hang out all day if that's okay with you?" He asks, his eyes giving me a longing look. As much of a bitch my period made me, I wasn't going to say no. I'll just tough it out.

"Yeah, that's fine with me," I say with a smile on my face as I nod at him. He grabs the remote and pulls up YouTube on my TV. After scrolling through a few videos in my recommended section, he decided on Jake's newest video. As we watched Jake be an idiot in public like he usually does, my stomach cramped big time. I tried my best not to show it, but I couldn't help the look of displeasure that was displayed on my face. I guess I let out some kind of noise or something that made Colby look my way.

"Is everything alright?" He questions me. I nod my head in response. "Are you sure because you don't look alright?"

"Are you insinuating that I don't look good, Brock?" I joke. His face shows that he feels like he stepped over a line he didn't mean to.

"No, that's not what I meant. Of course, you look y/n. You always do. I just mean that you look like, um, I'm trying to not sound mean." He's clearly embarrassed with his cute red cheeks and the nonsense babbling he was doing. I busted out laughing. That made me feel better.

"Colby, I'm just kidding." I spit out between laughs. He joins in and laughs as well. When the laughter dies down a little, I say, "Yeah, I'm not feeling well. My stomach hurts." He nods in understanding.

"Okay, well, why don't you go change into something more comfortable and then come over to my place and we can watch movies all day. I've got popcorn." He suggests and I nod, smiling.

"I like that idea. I'll see you over there in a little bit." I tell him as we stand up. He leaves and I walk into my room to change out of my clothes of the day into a pair of leggings and an oversized sweatshirt. I throw my hair up in a bun and grab my purse with some extra tampons and pads in it before heading over to Colby's apartment.

I knock before I hear him yell, "Come in!" I do as I'm told and see him in the kitchen, placing a bag of popcorn in the microwave. He changed clothes too as he is in a pair of basketball shorts and one of his t-shirts that he turned into a tank top. It was the black one that says "return" in red along the chest. I went ahead and walked to the couch, covering myself with a blanket. I grabbed the remote and went to Disney+.

"I'm guessing you're going to want to watch a Disney movie?" He questions. He had his back to me and couldn't see what I was doing. He just knows me that well.

"Yes," I said, giggling. I've always loved Disney movies, especially when I don't feel good. I smiled at the fact that Colby knew that and glanced over his way. He was putting the popcorn in a big bowl and started making his way over to me. He plunked down beside me, pulling the blanket over him as well. I turned on Moana and we laid together, eating popcorn and watching the movie. A few movies later, we realized how late it got.

"It's getting late. I should probably head back to my place and get some sleep." I tell Colby. I almost fell asleep on him while we watched movies.

"Why don't you just stay here? We can have a sleepover like we used to do in the Traphouse. You were about to fall asleep right here anyway." I really am tired, and I miss our sleepovers.

"Okay," I say as I yawn. We clean up our mess and head to his room. I go to the bathroom one more time before I lay down with Colby in his bed and fall asleep.

When I wake up, I look over to Colby and of course, he's still asleep. As quiet and stealth as I can, I get out of bed and head to the bathroom to change out my pad. It looked like a bloodbath down there. I had to have bled through my clothes. I quickly and quietly ran into Colby's room to check his sheets and of course, there was a red splotch on the grey sheets.

"Oh shit," I mutter as my hand goes over my mouth. I begin to pace back and forth by the side of the bed. What was I thinking when I said yes to staying over? Obviously, I wasn't thinking at all. I was too tired to think. What's Colby going to think? He's going to be so grossed out. I would. I am. I fucking hate periods.

"What are you doing?" I hear Colby speak. I stop pacing and turn to him. My gaze lowers from his eyes down to the mess I made and back up to him. Please don't look down. Please don't look down. He does exactly what my brain doesn't want him to, and my hands fly over my face to cover my embarrassed blush.

"You could have told you weren't feeling good because you're on your period, y/n. I understand." He says.

"No, Colby. I shouldn't have stayed. I messed up your sheets. I messed up. Oh my God, I can't do anything right. I can't believe I did this. I-" I start to rant, my hormones getting the best of me as tears prick my eyes. This wasn't something big to make me cry. I normally don't, but my period makes me crazy. I was cut off by Colby's hands grabbing my arms to calm me down. I look down at his ringed fingers grasping my forearm then up to meet his intense blue gaze.

"It's okay, y/n. I'll just clean them. Don't worry about it." He says in a calming tone. I let out a sigh.

"So, you don't hate me?" I question and he laughs.

"No, y/n. I could never hate you. I love you. You know that." Yeah, I know he does hate me. I'm going insane. I lean my head against his chest.

"I don't know what's wrong with me," I mutter.

"You're a girl," He says, and I giggle. He pulls me away from his chest and looks into my eyes again. "I couldn't be mad at you for anything. Especially this. Did you forget that I peed in the bed while I was sleeping with Jake on the cruise?" I busted out laughing. I had completely forgotten about that. It made me feel a lot better.

"Why don't we clean this up and then make something for breakfast? Pancakes?" Colby asks and I nod.

"I would love that."

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