Clarinet Encounters

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You are late to band camp and are scared to be caught by the harsh band director, but thankfully, Colby comes up out of nowhere and helps you.

Requested by an amazing anon on Tumblr 💙 To request an imagine, just message me or leave a comment!

Warnings: some curse words

Word Count: 1.0k+


"Layla! Get up! We didn't wake in time! I heard the band director here is tough so he's gonna kill us for being late!" You shout to your sister. She is only two years older, but you are definitely the more responsible one. You should've known better than to trust that she would set an alarm for you two to get up, but you were too tired to think straight last night. You watch as your sister slowly turns over, grabbing her phone, and her eyes go wide.

"Shit, y/n! If we hurry getting dressed, we might make it right on time." You weren't sure if y'all would make it on time, but you did. Not a minute early and not a minute late. Right on time.

"Lay, they are already lined up ready to go," you huff. There is no way you two will be able to fly under the radar and slip in without the band teacher noticing. Layla rolls her eyes at you before gauging the scene before her.

"We totally can. Just wait for the right moment aaand..." She trailed off her words as she stared at the man and right when he turned, she took off running, leaving you behind. You watch as she successfully slips in with the other saxophone players. A few of them shoot her some weird looks but a blonde boy gives her a nice smile to which she returns him one. Of course, she would be able to do that without getting caught. Lucky for her, the saxophones were a lot closer to where you were hiding behind the bleachers. Your section, the clarinets, was much farther away and closer to the band director.

"Luck is on their side today, isn't it?" The voice scared you and you whipped your head around to meet the boy who spoke from behind you. You took in his appearance. He looked younger than he probably was. His baby face can be very misleading but also extremely cute. He didn't seem to be the smartest because for one, he's hiding behind the bleachers like you instead of out there on the field like everyone else and for two, he was wearing a black shirt in the blazing Kansas sun. He had the brightest and bluest eyes you had ever seen, and his hair curled beautifully at the ends.

"You know them?" You ask referring to your sister and the blonde that she stood next to. The boy's lips part to show you his smile which like the rest of him was breathtaking.

"I don't know the girl, but the guy is my best friend, Sam. You know the girl, right?" He crouched down next to you as y'all hid from everyone else.

"Yeah, she's my sister, Layla," you inform the brunette. "And you are?"

"Oh right, I'm Colby," he spoke as he held his hand out for you to shake. You look down at it before taking his hand in your own.

"Y/n. I'm new here." You feel a bit better having made an acquaintance.

"Yeah, you don't look familiar. What do you play?" He gestures down to the black case you had in your other hand containing your beloved instrument.

"Clarinet, you?"

"Same. So how should we do this?" He asked as he peeked over your shoulder to see all the band kids lined up as they listen to the instructions coming from the band director.

"I don't know but I can't get in trouble. This is my first impression on the guy and all I've heard is that he is super strict. I can't mess this up. I just can't," you spill as you look down at your fidgeting hands. Your anxiety was getting to you. You stared at your hands until you saw his come into view, holding yours.

"Hey, it's okay. He is all talk. He won't really do anything. He just seems scary. Trust me, I have tested my luck plenty of times and nothing has happened to me," Colby's words calm your nerves as you look up to meet his blue gaze. You nod your head at him to let him know you hear his words.

"We can try what Layla did, but our chances of success are very slim," you speak as the both of you look past the side of the bleachers. The band director was facing the group of students and looked like he was about to turn around again.

"I say we take our chances," he speaks as he holds his hand out for you to grab. "It's now or never," he adds. You look down to his hand before glancing at the band director as his body turns away from the band. Your eyes meet Colby's and you take his hand.

"Let's go," you whisper before the two of takeoff running, your clarinets in one hand and each other's hand in the other. By the skin of your teeth, y'all slip in with the other clarinets before the band director sees anything.

"And as I was saying... Oh, Mr. Brock, how nice of you to join us. I will be talking with you later. And Miss y/l/n..." he paused for a moment, causing your anxiety levels to rise within you. "I need to speak to you and your sister afterward to go over some things since y'all are new here. Is she here?" He asked as he scanned the large group of band members.

"Right here," you heard Layla's voice and let out a sigh of relief when you realized that he had not noticed you coming in late. He only saw that Colby came late which sucked for him but was also kinda funny.

"Thank you," you whisper to the blue-eyed boy beside you and he shot you a weird look.

"For what?"

"If you hadn't pushed me to run with you, I probably would've sat there for a while contemplating what to do," you say with a smile.

"You're welcome. I'm glad I could help you. You can always come to me if you need anything." He returned your smile.

"Good because I have no idea where any of my classes are and you're gonna help me."

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