Who Is He

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While at a normal day of work, Y/n gets an influx of images of what looks like Colby all over another girl. Distraught, she leaves work, talks to her best friend, and goes home to deal with her "cheating" boyfriend.

Warnings: some curse words

Word Count: 2672


"I'm going on break, Mel. See you in thirty!" I say as I grab my wallet and head out the door to the food court. Melanie waves at me before I exit. Mel and I both work at a boutique in the mall called EnEx, short for Envious Expressions. I have several work friends, but Mel and I are the closest.

I make it to the food court, grab me some Chinese food, and go back to EnEx to eat in the break room. As I eat, I scroll through my phone, replying to a few texts I received earlier while I was working.

Dev: Hey! What are you doing after work? I was wondering if you wanted to go get our nails done. I NEED to get mine done bad lol

Y/n: I so would but I don't get off until super late at 10:30. How about tomorrow?

Dev: Yesssss! See you tomorrow ❤️

Then I had some messages from Colby.

Colbs💜: im ready for you to be home

Y/n: It's only been a few hours, love

Colbs💜: a few hours too many

Y/n: You'll survive. If I can be without you for all these TFIL and XPLR trips, I'm pretty sure you can be without me while I'm at work.

Colbs💜: i know, you know i love you right?

Y/n: Yes babe, you remind me of that every chance you get. I love you too ❤️

Colbs💜: well i guess i'll let you get back to work baby, see you later

Y/n: Okay bye love

After that, I started scrolling through Instagram, liking several pictures from my friends and fan stuff of Colby and me. I loved that Colby's followers weren't super hateful towards me and our relationship. In the beginning, things were kind of rough but once people realized that I'm not going anywhere and am staying in Colby's life, the hate died down. Now people make edits of me and him both together and separately. Some people even have fan pages of just me, which is still so insane to me and crazy to think about. But I love to just scroll through the ones with me or Colby or the both of us and like the pictures or videos and read the stories. Lots of the stories were so interesting and well-written and some were spot on with our personalities or things we would say. I'm still not used to all of this and I don't think I will truly ever be.

My DMs are also filled with several fans messaging me and I love to talk back with them and get to know them and if I ever get to meet them, it makes the encounter so much better. I normally check them while I'm on my break so that's what I do. However, when I open them, I am not met with the typical fans' messages. I have several direct messages from fans and other random people sending me pictures. Each one I open brings more and more tears to my eyes.

Apparently, Colby was not at Brennen's house filming a video as he had told me. He was at the bar and had his arm around another girl. Some pictures had them kissing and in others, they were hugging. Not in any of them could you see his face, but you could see the wolf and moon tattoos that were inked into his triceps clear as day.

Calming myself down was the hard part. I have no idea what to do. I grabbed a napkin and dried my tears before looking at Snapchat to see my reflection. I can't stay at work and focus on folding clothes and running the cash register while these pictures flutter around in my mind. Once I made sure it didn't look like I was just crying, I walked to my boss's door and knocked.

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