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20: ロサンゼルス

We made it safely to the bus terminal without any obstacles. However, i felt like i could puke any minute by now.

Out of all things, i just had to happen to be bus sick.

Not only that, but i was starting to form a headache, as Jungkook and Yoongi wouldn't stop bickering with each other during the bus ride.

Before we left the camp, the two of them had sworn on the River Styx to not set a single scratch on each other during this mission, however, they said nothing about bickering.

Taehyung and Hoseok sat next to each other, soundless asleep as both of them had their heads leaned on each other.

Grover had decided to sit by himself, as he wanted to be a 'lone wolf' as he liked to call it.

I looked down on the map as i tried to observe as much information as i could. Not that i would get any information from it, i think I've been staring at it for the last 5 hours.

"Next stop is Melrose Avenue" the speaker spoke.

Grover peeked out of the window before he turned his head to me. "We're getting off here," he said, as he took one last bite of the water bottle he had found on our way to the bus terminal.

"That's disgusting Grover, how can you eat all that nonsense," i said, as i tried my best not to puke, both at the sight i was seeing, but also due to the fact that i was still buss sick.

Grover shrugged and took another bite of his water bottle. "It's good...," He insisted. "We satyrs have an immaculate taste palette,"

I rolled my eyes at his statement, as i carefully poked the sides of both Taehyung's and Hoseok's arm.

"weLCOme tO hObIwoRLD" Hoseok snorted as he woke up from his deep sleep. His eyelids could barely be kept open, as he started sleeplessly rubbing his eyes.

Taehyung woke up right after next to him, some of his saliva running down at the corner of his lip.

Not wanting to comment on the sight i was seeing, i shook my head in disappointment as i stuffed the map inside the backpack i had brought for the mission. Along with the backpack, i had also received some sort of whistle, that i received from Chiron before we left.

He had told me that upon whistling the whistle, a car would appear in front of us. However, the whistle only worked once.

As we neared Melrose Avenue, the six of us departed from the bus. Los Angeles was a gorgeous place, and it was pretty crowded.

"We'll have to take a taxi to Medusa's emporium from here, luckily it's only some minutes away from here," Grover informed as he looked out for taxis.

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