Chapter 44~ Honorifics

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I stared out the window, light cascading onto my face from the early sun. My thoughts Continuously drifting from one to another. A slight breeze brushed my long locks back, a slight smile present on my face.

"Princess?" I turned to see Karliah walking over to me. "You've been up for a while but haven't come out of your room, forgive me for intruding, but I was worried."

"Don't apologize, I was simply thinking." I hummed, her fur brushing up against my arm. "Do you mind telling me what's on your mind."

"Honestly," I pondered, letting myself be distracted for a few moments. "Honestly? I don't even know."

"I see," She nuzzled her way closer to me, allowing me to run my hands through her soft fur.

"Anyway, we must get a move on, I particularly want to meet with Haruno today." I stood up, throwing on a leather jacket over my black sports bra. I braided my hair back, and put fishnets on under my black shorts, finishing the look off with black knee-high ninja sandals and a choker covering my neck.

"Shall I accommodate you?" I nodded quickly, setting midnight on the bed I decided that I wouldn't need the sword with me.

"Hey, there's my little Itty bitty sister!" Rin tackled me in a hug, once again ruining my neatly did braid.

"I'm leaving, do what you need. Oh and get the fuck off of me." I pushed him away, brushing away the imaginary dirt off myself.

"No," He pouted and crossed his arms as a child would. "What am I supposed to do??"

"I suppose you could make yourself useful and do something." I suggested a slight smirk evident on my face. "Actually! I'm leaving as well, I'm going to the hidden grass."

"For what?" I asked the exams weren't over yet, so why would he be leaving. "Well like I said before I'm going to see if they'll transfer me to the leaf, I've already talked to the Hokage about it, so now I need permission from the grass. If they deny me I'll just become Rouge."

I rolled my eyes before tossing him a spare key, I smiled and left Karliah following my lead.

"Do your thing and sniff out Haruno." Karliah nodded and stuck her nose in the air. "She's surrounded by floral scents."

"Perhaps the flower shop, I think I know the whereabouts." I concluded before Karliah and I strolled through the streets, trying to find the flower shop.

"Hey, Akamaru come back here!" I turned to see the little white dog running towards us. I crouched down to his level and scratched his head. "Hello Akamaru."

"Nice girl! I smelled you, and wanted to say hi!" His tail waged as he leaned closer in. "No worries, but I bet Inuzuka is confused."

"I like him a lot, but he's not the smartest." The ninja dog smirked and cocked his head to the side. I looked up to see not only Inuzuka but also Nara.

"You can't just run off like that buddy." Inuzuka scolded the little white dog. "Don't be hard on him, he smelt me and wanted to say hi."

"How do you know?" Inuzuka confronted and a confused look on his face. "Do you have memory loss, I've told you before the written portion of the Chunin exams."

"Ohh, right." He laughed, setting Akamaru on his head once more.  Karliah nudged me in the back before smirking. I nodded, "Sure introduce yourself."

"Good afternoon, I'm Karliah pleasure to make your acquaintance." She bowed her head, Inuzuka nearly jumped back and Nara's eyes were wide. "Please don't be afraid, I'm only dangerous when Princess tells me to be."

"Holy shit! That thing can talk!" Inuzuka outbursted, a huge grin plastered onto his face. "Inuzuka please refrain from calling her a thing she's my partner, much like Akamaru is to you."

"You're right! Sorry Karliah, oh and you can call me Kiba, no formalities when it comes to me." He smiled pointing to himself. "Alright Inu- I mean Kiba you can call me Kritanta."

"Sure thing Kritanta, gotta run, let's go Akamaru." Kiba shouted as took off, Akamaru smiling on his head. Karliah laughed, "Simple minds those two have."

"Agreed, its troublesome," Nara spoke up, rubbing the back of his neck. "Hey Nara, mind telling me where the floral shop is?"

"Sure follow me, I need to meet up with Ino anyway." He sighed and started walking, motioning for me to follow.

"May I ask who Ino is?" I questioned, following into step next to Nara. "Ino Yamanaka, long hair wears purple. She's on my squad."

"What's her relation to the floral shop?" I asked another question and by Nara's tense state I could see he was growing irritated. "Her mother owns the store and she often helps."


"What a drag, mind me asking why are you asking so many questions?" He finally asked to which I smirked. "I'm bored."

"Right," He muttered and kept walking with his hands behind his head. I took in a deep breath as I continued to follow in silence. "Here we are Astara."

"Kritanta." I cut him off quickly.

"What?" He asked, probably heard me wrong or something.

"Call me Kritanta." I smiled lightly, pushing the door open I saw Haruno talking to a girl with blonde hair wearing purple. Probably the Yamanaka that Nara was looking for.

"Oh Astata-San your back." Haruno smiled brightly at me. "Yeah, can I talk to you."

"Yeah sure," She spoke raising a brow slightly. "Outside."

"See you around Ino." Haruno waved as both she and I left the shop. "I heard from Naruto that you had left with that boy, you both look alike."

"Oh, Rin." I rubbed the back of the neck, careful not to mess with the band of fabric around my neck. "Yeah, he's my brother."

"Didn't seem that way when you were fighting." She laughed, but her eyes fell on Karliah. Karliah looked at, almost pleadingly, only for me to nod.

"Hello Sakura deary, how have you been." Karliah greeted. Haruno rubbed circled into Karliahs back.

"Honestly I've been good, but the leafs been slightly stressed as we're preparing for the Chunin exams." Haruno explained the leafs current situation. It all made sense, an event of this scale would cause stress to administration. "Highly understandable, but you must excuse me I have things to do."

I nodded as Karliah left, Haruno waving in the process.

"Oh I'm sorry Astata-San I was just excited." It might be my head playing tricks on me but she seemed slightly scared. I let out a soft smile, before waving her off. "Don't worry about it, if anything I should be the one apologizing to you."

"I thought we were over this Astara-Sa-"

"Please call me Kritanta." I saw her face gleam and nodded. "Alright, Kritanta I happen to really like your name a lot. Oh, and if you want you're more than welcome to call me Sakura. After all, we are friends."


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