chapter 1:Finally

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Alex POV

Most of you know me. But I'll introduce myself I'm Alex Mercer Blackwatch knew me as Zeus or Blacklight I'm part of the reason why New York was quarantined but that's in the past now the military is gone and the infected are all dead.

AND NOW IM FUCKING BORED OUT OF MY MIND!!!! Seriously I have nothing to do so I basically just sit on buildings or talk to Dana."Ya know I just wish something would happen ever once in a while"Alex said to Dana while sitting on the couch.

Dana was sitting at her computer busy with work sighed"Yeah I know Alex that's all you ever say but remember things used to be a lot worse and you did save New York from blowing up". Alex stared at the ceiling.

"I know that was not as fun as it seems being blown up... I'm going to go out side for a bit and see if there is anything going on."Alex said getting up walking to the door


I was captured by the military because the saw me use my vector powers now there transporting me to a place called New York to be experimented on.

"Do you think that Zeus will still be there commander?" asked a soldier that was helping to transport me to New York. " The hell should I know cadet our job is to transport this subject to New York and report back to our commanding officer that the subject made it safely."said the commander 'We can only hope things go smoothly'the commander thought who heard stories about what Zeus did to Blackwatch. 'Who is Zeus?' thought Lucy while being transported.


I was running on walls jumping from building to building wondering when will something happen when I saw a military vehicle driving to an old lab that no one used so I followed carefully by disguising myself as a person I consumed.

The vehicle came to a stop 'FINALLY SOMETHING IS HAPPENING'thought Alex as he was perched on a building Ledge turning back to his normal self. The military officers got out of the car and Alex saw something that shocked him to his core 'Why are they transporting a girl' he thought to himself she had red hair , blood red coloured
eyes and was struggling against the officers.

'Wow she looks kinda pretty... wait what did I just say!!!'Alex thought while looking at the girl he didn't even know. "I've got to help her " he said to himself quietly. He jumped off the building to where the soldiers where who looked just as surprised as the girl did seeing him land on the ground perfectly fine.

No one's POV

"WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU" shouted a soldier pointing his gun at Alex. Alex just chuckled and walked up to the soldiers morphing his arms into claws. "HOW SHIT it's Zeus" shouted the other soldier who started firing at Alex the bullets obviously not hurting him in the slightest. Alex grabbed the first soldier and cut him in half with his claws before consuming him. The other soldier cowered in fear of what he just witnessed while Lucy was just shocked to see another being with powers like her own ' maybe he is Zeus' she thought.

Alex POV

" You guys still piss me off hurting innocent people why should I not kill you like I did to your friend"said an angry Alex who couldn't believe the military would hurt an innocent girl. He didn't even listen to the soldiers cries for mercy because Alex already consumed him after he was done he turned his claws back to his normal hands and walked to the girl who was still in shock. " Hey it's ok there gone and I won't hurt " he said gently holding out his hand to help her up.

Lucy's POV

I stared up this man wondering if he would kill me to until I heard him speak and reached out his hand. I cautiously took his hand and stood " who are you are you the one they call Zeus" she wondered looking more closely she noticed he had pale blue eyes which were covered by his hood he looked quite muscular but he wore a hooded jacket and it was covered by a leather jacket so it made it hard to tell. ' He looks quite handsome' she thought to herself before she realised what she had just thought. 'I hardly know him how could I say that' as she blushed slightly.

Alex POV

'I wonder what's wrong with her and why is her face turning slightly red' he thought. He ignored this and asked " Are you ok" I saw her nod slightly for some reason I was relieved she was ok. So then I asked " do you have somewhere to stay?"she shooke hey head no I started thinking and then said " you can come stay with me and my sister" she looked surprised at what I said then she said"Are you sure? And why you hardly know me."she than said that made me think ' why am I helping her'. "To be honest neither do I but it's the right thing to do and I don't like it when people are suffering and I couldn't offer help" I thought that was the answer I needed to say. She looked at me for a bit before saying"then yes can I please stay with you"she said. I smiled and said"I'm Alex nice to meet you"

Lucy POV

I smiled back and said"I'm Lucy" ."So let's get going before more soldiers show up" he said and started walking I walked with him still processing what happened but felt safe with Alex as we started walking to where he lives.



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