chapter 18

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Alex POV

I woke up first like usual it's Thursday so I had nothing to do.

So I thought of what to do today then I realised since the girls know I'm a bounty hunter I can just do my job today.

' Maybe Lucy can join since I want to see her powers in action.' So I waited for Lucy to wake up.

After another hour she started to stir.

"Good morning sleepy head I have something to tell you." I said looking at her.

"What is it Alex?" She asked as she yawned and stretched her arms.

"Your coming bounty hunting with me today." I said as she looked at me so fast I thought she cracked her neck.

"Are you serious Alex because this is not a funny joke if your lying." She said seriously.

"I'm not joking your coming with me right after I get you a mask." I said as she hugged me tight.

"THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU." She shouted which I was certain would wake up Dana.

"Why your just coming bounty hunting with me." I said confused.

"Because it's been forever since I used my powers to fight anyone." She said a smile which a normal person would be weirded out by I found it cute.

"Well then I'll get your mask right now then after I do this." I said and kissed her lips.

She kissed back and we made out for a minute before I pulled away and when to shower and get changed.

I put on some black jeans,black button up shirt,black hoodie and my leather jacket and black combat boots.

Since I'm bounty hunting at day I need to blend into the shadows more which will require black clothes.

I came out of the room and went to the kitchen were I saw Dana making breakfast for once.

"Morning Dana sleep well." I said as Lucy came in to the kitchen with me and we both sat at the table.

"Morning alex um bro isn't that too much black?" Dana asked as she saw what I was wearing.

"Yeah but I'm bounty hunting today so I need to blend in the shadows as much as I can oh and Lucy is coming with me today." I said as I helped Dana put breakfast on the table which was eggs,toast and bacon along with coffee and juice.

"That's cool I was just gonna watch some TV today." Dana said as she began to eat.

"Alright I'll be back I need to get Lucy a mask so she can cover her face like me." I said as I got up from the table and headed to the door.

"Don't forget Lucy to dress in black like me today." I said as I exited the apartment.

I left the complex and made my way to an alley way that was a few blocks away where I guy I know sells masks and makes them some times.

"Hey Steven you here!?" I shouted as I entered his shop.

"Who's there..Oh hey Alex what can I do for you today?" Steven said with a smile as I walked to him.

"I'm looking to buy another mask ." I said as he looked at me.

"Why did your other one break I can fix it for you if you want." He said.

"No it's just I'm buying it for my new partner today that's why." I said.

"Oh ok so what mask do you want feel free to look around." He said a he started reading a newspaper.

So I looked around his shop for a little bit checking out a mask that would be best for her.

After searching for a bit I found it.

(I decided to go with a black fox mask because it was the only thing I could think of and it's cool

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(I decided to go with a black fox mask because it was the only thing I could think of and it's cool.)

It's perfect so I picked up the mask and went to Steven.

"I'll take this one Steven it's perfect." I said as I handed him the mask.

"Wow this is a good choice Alex it's one of the best ones I've made other than yours." He said as he inspected the mask before placing it in a bag and handing it back to me.

"So how much for it Steven." I asked him.

"That will be about 250 dollars Alex." He said as I took out my wallet and handed him 500.

"Keep the change as a thank you." I said as I handed him the money.

"That's very kind of you Alex thank you very much." He said with a smile.

I left the shop and made my way back to the apartment as I got there I saw Lucy sitting on the couch with Dana.

"I'm back and I got the mask." I said as I took the mask out of the bag and gave it to Lucy.

"Wow that's a beautiful mask Alex thank you very much." Lucy said as she kissed me on the cheek.

"Yeah that is a pretty sweet mask Alex who knew you had such an eye for picking them out." Dana said as she saw the mask.

"Thanks but Lucy when we're bounty hunting your gonna need a name to how about kitsune because of the mask." I said as I picked up my mask from the table.

"That's perfect." Lucy said as we got ready to leave.

"Yeah but it also sounds a bit cliche don't you think." Dana said as she is was watching TV.

"Anyway let's go to the roof so we can start." I as both me and Lucy left for the roof saying our goodbyes to Dana.

Once we got there I put on my mask and pulled up my hood.

"Hey Lucy do you want me to tie your mask on to you?" I asked her.

"Yes please thank you Alex." She said as I tied the mask onto her.

"No problem Lucy." I said as she got on my back as I jumped onto the next building and made our way to the police station.


That's all for now folks in the next chapter I'm gonna write about Lucy's first day bounty hunting

If my girlfriend is reading this I love you so much

That's all for now

The universe is an illusion
The world is a hologram
Buy gold Bye

Peace out yall

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