Chapter 3: answers

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Alex POV

After I closed the door I could hear Dana talking to Lucy getting closer I could hear that they were talking about what happened today I sighed knowing it's time to get some answers and give some answers to. I walked to the living room where Dana and Lucy were and sat on the couch.

Lucy POV

When we got inside Alex sister led me to the living room where I sat down on the couch while Dana sat in an armchair next to me. She started asking me where I met Alex so I told her that he saved me." How did my brother save you?"Dana asked surprised for some reason. Just when I was about to answer Alex walked into the room and sat next to me on the couch saying he would answer for me which I was silently thankful for.

Dana's POV

Imagine my surprise to hear my brother actually saved someone instead of consuming them for once.' hmmmm maybe I was right to think my brother likes her'

Dana suddenly laughed silently at her thoughts but still intrigued to hear the story.

Alex POV

I could see the amused smile on Dana's face but decided to ignore it." So anyway I met Lucy today she was being dragged by some idiots with guns so I stepped in and kicked their ass because they deserved it." I however did not mention they were soldiers because it wasn't important so I'll just tell her later." So that's how I met her and found out that she has nowhere to live so I said she could stay with us and she knows about my powers." That's the important stuff I needed to tell her. Then I remembered what Lucy asked earlier.

"Lucy to answer you questions earlier I had my powers for a while now I got them through an infection that spread through my body which gave me my powers and that's the jist of it." I said then got up from the couch and headed to the kitchen. Shouting" do you guys want some tea or coffee!? I heard Dana shout for coffee and I could hear Lucy softly say tea so I started making the drinks.

(10-15 minutes later)

I came back with the drinks and set them on the table earning a thank you from Dana and Lucy sitting back down on the couch.

Dana's POV

I sip the coffee and I have to admit my brother makes some damn good coffee but I will never tell him that." So Lucy do you have any clothes or anything you brought with you" only to see her shake her head no.

Alex POV

Then I realised that she didn't have anything but the clothes on her back. I thought ' well I guess we'll need to get her some new clothes and maybe a few things '  and then I said," don't worry tomorrow we'll get you some clothes and you'll  be sleeping in my room." I said and then Dana started laughing out loud while Lucy looked shocked at me.

I took a minute to think about what I just said then realised I left out an important part. So I  quickly said," while I sleep on the couch luckily it's a pull out couch
Then Lucy calmed down while Dana was still laughing her ass of after a few minutes she finally stopped to my relief.

( A few hours later)

After talking about random shit for a good amount of time I saw Lucy was asleep in my shoulder while Dana had gone to her room so I lifted her up and took her to my bed before gently placing her down only to see she was awake and staring at me which made me a little flustered when she looked at me.

Lucy POV

I opened my eyes to see Alex put me down on the bed and he saw me awake. ' maybe I should say thank you for what he has done'. But as if he read my mind he said " it's no problem Lucy " I then got out of bed and walked to Alex where without saying anything kissed him on his cheek saying ,"thank you Alex"

Alex POV

I just stood there completely shocked before I smiled and said,"your welcome Lucy " and walked out seeing Dana smirk at me. I blushed like an idiot speed walking to the couch.

But I couldn't shake the smile on my face thinking about Lucy 'maybe I do like her' I yawned and fell asleep smiling.


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