Chapter 26

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Adams POV

I'm still a little nervous around the other kids but less around Rebecca she's nice and energetic.

Tom is cool kind of a nerd when it comes to Spiderman hehehe but I'm not judging him on it and he's really smart.

"Hey Adam what ya thinking about?" Rebecca asked me while we were eating her mouth was full it was a little funny.

"Oh nothing important." I said as I ate more of my sandwich before I started playing with one of my tendrils.

' Hmm I wonder if I could...' I thought I smiled and moved my tendril to Rebecca and used it to tickle her a bit it made her laugh.

"A-Adam hehehe noooo I hahaha don't hehehehe l-like being hehehahaha tickled!" She said but I was still using my tendril to tickle her.

She got up and tried to run but I was to happy hearing her laugh and I picked her up.

"Sorry Rebecca I just wanted you to hear you laugh." I said and Rebecca smiled at me.

"It's alright Adam just don't tickle me." Rebecca said and I nodded and started walking out of the kitchen after putting our plates in the sink.

Rebecca and I went back to her room where she showed me how to draw before she gave me a black crayon and a piece of paper.

"Draw anything you want or anything you can imagine." Rebecca said and I nodded before we started to draw picture and I decided to draw my mom.

Dana's POV

I sat on the couch thinking for a bit and then I realised something.

"Hey Alex you consume people to learn what they know right?" I asked and Alex turned to me.

"Yeah why?" He asked holding Eve who had just been changed.

"So if Adam consumes some of you would he learn everything you have during well the outbreak including how to use your abilities." I said and Alex paused in place think about it.

"That might work actually we can test it now I'll go get Adam." Alex said as he got up and left but no t before I took Eve.

"Sweetie your dad can be such an idiot sometimes." I said as I bounced her a bit which made her giggle before I gave her back to Lucy who smiled and began playing with the baby.

Alex POV

I walked towards Rebecca's room and knocked hearing her say come in.

I walked in and saw Adam and Rebecca drawing pictures and it made me smile.

"What are you two up too?" I asked as I walked closer and sat down near them on the floor.

"Were drawing pictures and Adam is really good at drawing uncle Alex!" Rebecca said showing me a picture that Adam drew.

"Wow kiddo this is pretty good heh." I said looking at how well he drew Lucy it was almost as if I was staring at her.

' Lucy is gonna love this.' I thought as I put the picture down.

Then I remembered what I was doing here.

"Des your aunt came up with a way for you too learn everything I do." I said and Ad stopped drawing and looked right at me.

"Really how?!" He exclaimed and I could tell he was interested so I sat up straight and Rebecca looked right at us.

"You need to consume a piece of me and you'll obtain all the knowledge I have." I said and he looked sad but I didn't know why.

"But Dad I don't want to consume you it would feel wrong." Adam said and I smiled and pat his head.

"Son it's ok really I want you to do this." I said and Ad looked up at me.

"Are you sure Dad?" Adam asked and I nodded before I stood up with him.

"Come on we're going outside to do this." I said and together the three of us left the room and went out the back door.

"Alright for this to work you have to consume me son but hang on first I'll be back." I said and walked back into the house and went to the others.

"Dana, Luce can you two go outside and look after Adam and Rebecca while I leave for a second?" I asked them and they nodded.

"Ok Alex but where are you going?" Lucy asked standing up.

"I need to find a military soldier." I said and walked out the door closing it behind me.

No one's POV

Dana and Lucy stared at the leaving figure of Alex and then at each other.

"Wonder why he needs a soldier." Dana said while Lucy stood up with Eve in her arms and shrugged before going outside joining Adam and Rebecca who were waiting.

"Hello you two." Lucy said smiling at them as they ran over to her.

"Hey mommy do you know where dad was going?" Adam asked.

"Oh he had to get a military soldier probably to consume him." Lucy said and Adam nodded as he and Rebecca began to play tag before everyone else came out and soon they got Tom to play as well.

Meanwhile Alex had been walking in the street looking around for a soldier and after a while he found one walking down the Alleyway patrolling.

"Well that's convenient." Alex said and walked towards the Alley with his hoodie making it difficult to see his face.

Alex quietly walked down the Alley and and shifted his hand into the claw and crept behind the soldier where stabbed him through his heart killing him.

Alex put the body over his shoulder and jumped onto the roof of the building.

He walked to the edge of the building and looked down to see people walking in the streets as well as soldiers among them.

"Damn gonna have to be careful about this or people will see me." Alex said as he ran before jumping to the next building with the soldiers body limp on his shoulder.

After a while Alex finally made it to the front door of Jack's house where he walked through the house right to the backyard where he was met with looks as he walked to Desmond and dropped the body.

"Alright ready son." Alex said as he took off his arm as well.

"Dad how much of you do I have to consume of you?" Adam asked.

"All of me son." Alex said and Adam nodded.

Soon tendrils burst from Adams back as he began consuming Alex until soon there was nothing left of him except the arm.

Everyone stood in silence at what they had witnessed while Tom, Rebecca and Mary where a bit green in the face.

"Wait how will Alex reform if his entire body was consumed?" Dana asked and they all felt extreme worry realising that and it made Adam freeze.

"By making sure apart of me was left which is why I needed the soldiers body." Alex said as he was reforming before he stood up from the ground.

Everyone relaxed after seeing him before Adam clutched his head in pain, screaming before he fell into Alex waiting arms.


That's it for this chapter

If my girlfriend is reading this I love you so much



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