chapter 16

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Alex POV

So while me and Lucy were making dinner Dana walked in and sat at the table.

"So Lucy is Alex good or is he bad." Dana asked as I started choking on my spit and coughed while Lucy turned red before saying," Actually he was really good and by the way Alex you still owe me." Lucy said as I smiled and moved to kiss her.

While we were kissing we forgot that Dana was in the room.

"Ewwwww come on guys people eat here I can't have you guys fucking in this place." Dana said with mock disgust turning away.

"What I'm just paying back Lucy for earlier and I intend to pay her back in full and then some." I said and I started kissing Lucy's neck but I knew that Lucy wanted to tease Dana so I played along.

"OK thats it I'm going to the living room to avoid this." Dana said as she ran out of the room.

I looked at Lucy and we both stared at each other before laughing at what we just did.

"You think that will make her forget about it for a bit?" I asked while still laughing.

"Maybe or maybe not but you still do owe me from scaring me Alex." Lucy said as we calmed down from laughing to much.

"Oh don't worry I will but let's finish dinner so we can eat." I said going back to making dinner.

After an hour dinner was ready and we all sat down to eat.

"So Dana anything interesting happen today?" I asked looking over at her.

"Nah not really although I did see soldiers patrolling the streets so you might want to watch your back more when leaving the house oh and then there was watching you and Lucy almost fuck." Dana said continuing to eat.

"Well those soldiers are just gonna have to be taken out as soon as I can by the way Dana did you sit on the couch?" I asked with an evil smile on my face while I looked at Lucy who was about to laugh at what I was about to say next.

"Yeah why and what's with the creepy smile?" Dana asked with a confused expression on her face.

"Nothing its just thats were me and Lucy fucked." I said as I went back to eating as Lucy laughed at Dana who spat out the soda she said drinking.

"I'm gonna be sick." Dana said as she turned a slightly green color after that she calmed down.

"Alright see you guys later I got a job to get to." I said as I made my way to the door and left.

Dana's POV

Alex had a job and how did I not know he did.

"Am I going crazy or did Alex say he had a job?" I said looking at Lucy who was just as confused as me.

"Well I'm going to be completely honest I didnt know he had a job we should just ask him when he comes back." Lucy said.

But one thing is for sure we where getting answers.

Alex POV

As I left the apartment I went to the roof and went to an old air vent that stopped working and took out my supplies which was just a mask.

As I left the apartment I went to the roof and went to an old air vent that stopped working and took out my supplies which was just a mask

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