chapter 22

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No one's POV

As they all sat in the cab they were on their way to Jack's house they unfortunately had not seen that they would leave at rush hour and were stuck in traffic.

"Well I did not see this coming especially in the morning." Alex said as they moved sowly in the long see of cars,buses and more vehicles.

"No shit I can't believe we got stuck in rush hour we'll be here forever!" Dana said as she looked out the window.

Lucy however was confused at what they said because she did not know what rush hour was.

"What's rush hour?" She asked the two of them.

This caused the two siblings to look at her in shock of what she had asked them.

"You've never had rush hour where your from?" Dana asked still shocked.

Lucy shook her head no and look at them.

"Well rush hour is basically traffic I honestly don't know why it's called rush hour if we aren't even moving fast but that what it is long traffic so might as well get comfy." Alex said as he sat back into his seat.

"So to sumarise what my brother said we are gonna be here for a while because of the sea of cars in front of us unless my dear brother actually goes and sees what's the problem." Sana said looking over at Alex.

"I can go check but their wouldn't be much I can do without doing you know what." Alex said.

"Come on please do something I do not want to be stuck here for hours." Dana said begging slightly as Alex sighed and continued to sit in his seat.

"Seriously you really can't wait that long." Alex said as he closed his eyes.

"Plllllllllllllllllllllllllllease Alex." Dana continued to beg until Alex opened his eyes.

"Fine I'll go see what's going on happy now." Alex said annoyed with Dana as he could see her smile.

"Thanks bro your the best." Dana said as Alex groaned and opened his door and left to a nearby alley.

"Wasn't that a bit rude to make him go check on what was going on by himself?" Lucy asked Dana who just shrugged her shoulders.

"Nah remember my bro is strong enough to handle himself just fine." Dana said.

"Your right I'm sure he'll be just fine." Lucy said.

Alex POV

After my sister so graciously asked me to take a look at what was causing the traffic so I walked to an alleyway and after making sure that no one was around I jumped up to a wall and started running until I got to the roof.

After getting their I put on my bounty hunting mask just in case and pulled up my hood and I took off towards the main point and what I saw was well different.

I saw it was a hostage situation and it was a military officer being held hostage by some idiot with a gun and I could only think 'Do I really need to save this guy I mean the only thing they've ever done was try to hunt me down and kill me but who ever said I needed to help from up close.' I thought and picked up a stone and aimed for the guy's head and threw it hard enough to knock him out but not to kill.

And after a few minutes I saw the guy go dowm meaning my target was hit.

' That should move things along rather well should end the traffic in a few minutes half hour at most.' I thought as I moved to jump from roof to roof back to the same Alleyway but now something was different I took off my mask and looked around the Alleyway and heard crying but more like quiet whimpering so I followed it until I found a little girl and boy the girl looked no more than two years old and the boy look around three going on four.

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