chapter 9 : the prize

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Alex POV

I walked up to the game completely ready to put these jerks in there place but I also may have wanted to show off to Lucy a little.'well this will be interesting.'

Lucy's POV

I was watching the situation play out with Dana standing next to me with cotton candy in her left hand and a stuffed animal in her right.

"Do you ever think Alex gets tired of dealing with guys like these who think their strong and arrogant?" I asked slightly annoyed at These guys.' I hope Alex teaches them a lesson' I thought.

"Nah, I think Alex likes putting these jerks in place plus I think he is going to show off a bit to impress you." Dana said taking a bite out of her cotton candy.

"W-what d-do you mean you think Alex wants to impress me."
I blushed thinking that Alex would want to impress me.

"Its kinda obvious I mean look at the way he is smirking at that guy,Alex knows what he's going to do." Dana said looking at Alex and the guy.

Alex POV

'Well I'm just gonna need to put this jerk in his place.' I walked up to the game and picked up the hammer with one hand and lifted it with ease.

"You might want to take a step back this could hurt you." I said smirking.

I turned back to the game and slammed the hammer down. I may have used a bit of my prototype strength.

Needless to say almost everyone was in shock that the bell flew into the sky. The game owner was in shock along with the guy who said I was a punk and a small crowd of people who came to watch.

"T-that was incredible you have got some real strength hidden under those clothes, please choose any prize you want" the game owner said.

"Thanks I'll talk the stuffed unicorn." The game owner handed the unicorn.

I turned around to see the guy was still in shock so I just walked past him and went to Lucy in Dana.

"Impressed?" I smirked already knowing what the answer would be.

Well bro I'm really shocked at what happened but I can say with certainty that she is." Dana said pointing her thumb at Lucy.

Lucy stood there her mouth slightly open so I went to her,and closed her mouth.

"Here you go I hope you like this prize." She snapped back into reality as I handed her the unicorn.

"Its... ADORABLE!!!" She squealed hugging the unicorn.

"I love it so much thank you Alex" she said and kissed me.

I was surprised to say the least but I still enjoyed it. She pulled away and hugged the unicorn again and I could hear that Dana was laughing her ass off at my blushing face.

"Shut up Dana!!" I shouted but she was still laughing.

"Sure tomato face I'll stop for now." Dana giggled a little before taking a dew deep breaths to calm down.

I ingnored her and went back to Lucy who had a big smile on her face I grabbed her hand.

" I think I've had enough games for now how about we go on a few rides." The three of us walked away.

Lucy POV

' I LOVE THIS UNICORN!!' I screamed internally while having a big smile on my face. I am so happy Alex got me this stuffed unicorn.

Alex POV

I grabbed Lucy's hand and led her to a ride she would enjoy so I decided the tea cups would be a good start.

"So how about the tea cups before going on a roller coaster." I said checking if they disagreed.

I got a nod from Dana because she had a mouth full of cotton candy and an excited squeal from Lucy who wanted to ride some exciting carnival rides.

The tea cups had a short line which was good so we could get to the front faster. The rides were fun but now we went to the roller coaster. It was called the death reaper which I think is a fun name for it.

"Wow this looks fun Alex should we go on this one?" Dana asked.

"Only if Lucy wants to." I said looking at Lucy to see if she wanted to.

Lucy's POV

" I really want to go on this ride please." I was a little surprised when I first looked at how big the ride was.

We got in line for the roller coaster. It was a little long so we waited for about 15 minutes before we got to the front of the line.

We finally got to the front of the line and I sat next to Alex clutching the unicorn in one arm I was scared but then I felt Alex grab my hand.

Alex POV

I sat down and saw Lucy was a little scared so I grabbed her hand.

"Its OK Lucy I'm sitting right here but I think I should hold the unicorn for safe keeping but you'll have me to hold if you need to or feel scared." I smiled softly at her.

"Thank you Alex I feel better now ." I handed him the stuffed unicorn.

Alex POV

I kissed her cheek as the ride started.

It was filled with loops and twists and turns I turned to Lucy and she was having the time of her life.

The ride ended AMD as we got off we saw Dana was a bit green and before we knew it she was running to a trash can. The sound of her puking was unmistakable.

So after that we decided to call it a day so as we left I decided to take the mercer way home.

"Well I'm not taking a train I'm taking the fun way home who wants to join me?" I asked stretching my arms a bit.

"Its alright bro I'm going to take a train." Dana said as she had a ' I know what your thinking look' But I ignored her and looked at Lucy waiting for her answer.

"I'd like to go with you Alex if thats OK ?" Lucy said

"Sure thats fine with me and should probably get a move on." I said and told Dana to be safe and I picked up Lucy bridal style and ran to a wall and jumped onto the roof.

"Hold on tight Lucy this is gonna be fun." And with that I ran up the next building and stopped on the ledge of he building to rest a little.

I turned to Lucy and I saw her in the glow of the sunset. She looked beautiful her shining pink hair was glowing in the light.

"Lucy I want you to know that I think you are the most beautiful girl I've ever met." She looked surprised at me and then I moved closer and cupped her cheeks before moving in and kissing her.



So I'm sorry for the slow update Ill try to update faster but know I will update

And if my girlfriend is reading this I love you darling



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