chapter 4

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No one's POV

Everything was quiet the next morning everyone was sound asleep no sounds could be heard in the apartment.

Alex POV

I slowly stirred in my bed(couch) and slowly started waking up. Knowing no one else was awake I stretched and made my way to the kitchen to start making breakfast for everyone.

I got all the ingredients I needed I was making pancakes, bacon, eggs and French toast along with regular toast.

Lucy's POV

I opened my eyes to find I was in a room at first I was confused then I realised were I was and what happened yesterday. I smiled softly remembering Alex save me from those soldiers.

I got out of bed and left the room to find where everyone was until I smelt something wonderful I followed the smell to find Alex and Dana in the kitchen. Dana was sitting at the table drinking coffee while Alex was making breakfast for everyone.

Dana's POV

I heard footsteps while sitting at the table waiting for Alex to finish breakfast. I turned and saw Lucy standing in the doorway.

" Good morning Lucy hope you slept well" and after I said that Alex turned around saying," good morning Lucy sit down I'm almost done with breakfast"

Lucy said good morning to us and sat down.

Alex POV

I heard Dana say good morning to Lucy and I turned around and said good morning and told her to sit down."Finally I thought you were gonna take forever!" I could here Dana say. Ignoring her I put breakfast on the table and we started eating." Thank you for making breakfast Alex." Lucy said smiling it made me happy hearing her say that." Your welcome nice to know someone said thank you." I looked at Dana while she was eating I could hear Lucy laughing.

"Don't forget today we're going to get you some new clothes Lucy so get ready and Dana you're coming too." I said while eating some toast.

"Alright " Dana said while drinking some coffee." Ok thank you Alex and Dana for being so nice to me." Lucy said." Don't worry about it. It's fine really."I said. "Yeah we really don't mind plus it's nice to have another girl in the house." Dana said smiling at Lucy who was sipping some juice. " Ok everyone get ready we leave in an hour" I said getting up to go to the couch to wait for everyone to finish deciding to watch Tv. I turned to the news and saw that military were coming back to New York for business but this time they weren't getting quarantined. ' well I wanted some fun and now I finally get what I asked for' I smiled at my thoughts.

While I was searching for channels I felt a tap on my shoulder I turned to see Lucy. "What's up Lucy?"I asked wondering if something is wrong. " Sorry Alex but where's the bathroom I need to shower" Lucy asked.

Realising how stupid I was so I got off the couch and led her to the bathroom. It had all the things we needed." Here you go Lucy if you need anything just call for me." And I left the bathroom to give her privacy.

Lucy POV

After Alex showed me the bathroom I started the shower and I removed my clothes and went in. After I was done I saw that there were no towels.(anyone see what I'm doing 😉)

I shouted,"Alex!"

Alex POV

I heard Lucy shout my name and ran into the bathroom without knocking yelling,"Lucy what's wrong I'm here." Barging in only to see Lucy without clothes in the shower. We looked at each for a second before screaming. I ran out and closed the door my face redder than a tomato.

No one's POV

After a minute both Alex and Lucy calmed down before Alex asked what was wrong.

" I needed a towel" said a blushing Lucy. Alex still red in the face went to get her a towel.

Opening the door slightly Lucy stuck her hand out and Alex gave her the towel after stuttering a thank you quickly closed the door.

Alex POV

That was really embarrassing I should apologize to the later thinking about what just happened started blushing hard.

Unfortunately I heard Dana walk in." Hey Alex what's wrong why is your face so red." To embarrassed to say anything other than,"sh-shut up Dana" and walked to the couch to clear my head.

Lucy's POV

That was soo embarrassing I can believe what just happened. Lucy quickly got dressed and left the bathroom her face as red as a tomato.

I walked pass Dana but luckily she didn't say anything to me and went straight to her room to get ready.

Dana's POV

I saw Alex walking to the couch his face dark red so I asked what's wrong only to hear him stutter shut up which is something he never does so I left to my room to get ready. On the way I saw Lucy walking her face the same as Alex but I decided to ignore it this and just go to my room.

Alex POV

After everyone was ready I got up and went to the door. After everyone was at the door I noticed Lucy's horns and decided to give her the hoodie I wear.

"Here Lucy put this on it will cover your horns until we get you something." Handing her my hood." Thank you Alex" she said and put it on but didn't zip it up

"Wow Alex it's been so long since I've seen you without that hoodie I forgot you had such messy brown hair" Dana said while rubbing my head. I pushed her away playfully laughing a little.

" Yeah it has been a while, well let's get going." I said. I admit it felt weird to just be wearing my leather jacket but I got used to it.

Lucy's POV

This is the first time I saw Alex without his hoodie.' he looks kinda cute plus it gives me a better view of his eyes' she thought.

' wait am I developing a little crush on Alex? maybe...' I blushed at my thoughts but shooke them of to think more about it later.

No one's POV

As they all set of for the mall

Ok guys this is the end so that's about it I know you guys are waiting for action and it will come in later chapters and that's about it

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