Chapter 28

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No one's POV

Adam had still been looking at the memories until he stopped at Elizabeth Greene.

"Who is she?" Adam asked mind Alex.

"That is Elizabeth Greene she was like us an infected human who the virus formed with her body but unlike us she spreaded the virus throughout the city but mainly because of the incident of Hope Idaho." M.Alex said as Adam turned to him.

"What else happened in Hope Idaho?" Adam asked and Alex sighed and turned to the memory.

Adam saw that in fact Elizabeth was pregnant and when she had the child but was supposedly killed by the military officer.

Adam paled as he turned to his M.Alex.

"That is what the Military does Ad when they see a threat to them they eliminate it even if it is just a child." M.Alex said and Adam realised something.

"Does that mean they would hurt Eve?" Adam asked and he watched M.Alex nod.

"If she didn't produce the necessary results they wanted they would deem her a liability and terminate her." M.Alex and he put a hand on Adams shoulder.

"Let's change this into some happier times." M.Alex said as he turned to the day Alex met Lucy and Adam smiled at the memory and laughed a bit.

"Your aunt really didn't help out on that but anyway." Alex said as he played more current memories but covered Adams eyes when the memories were to...graphic.

"Adam this is the knowledge you wanted to know this is the truth of everything and the abilities you now know will help you as you protect your family and those precious to you." M.Alex said and Adam nodded.

"I will I'll protect them with all my might dad I'll make sure no one can hurt them." Adam promised and M.Alex chuckled.

"Well then let's show you how the abilities work then." M.Alex said and soon all the memories of Alex powers started playing and Adam looked at them all as new branches of memory opened.

Adam learnt everything he could and soon got a headache as the memories stopped.

"Wow that was a lot to take in like that." Adam said and M.Alex nodded and put a hand on his shoulder.

"Don't worry the headache is short and goes away." M.Alex said and Adam nodded.

"Guess it's time to wake up now." Desmond said and turned to him giving him one hug and left.


Alex had been watching Eve when there was a knock on the door.

The door opened and Alex saw Jack walking in quietly.

"Hey there Al." Jack whispered as he sat next to Alex.

"Hey Jack how's it going?" Alex asked and Jack shrugged.

"I've been alright so care to tell me when did you get children?" Jack asked and Alex chuckled and began telling him the story.

Jack chuckled and put a hand on Alex shoulder as he turned and looked at Eve as well with Alex.

"Sounds like an exciting story and why does she have horns?" Jack asked and pointed to the sleeping Lucy.

"I'm gonna be honest I got no idea I think it's a mutation from her genes." Alex said and Eve began to stir as Alex picked her up.

"Hey sweetie." Alex said softly as he held her.

Eve opened her eyes and began to babble making Alex smile.

"Heh you look like you enjoyed your nap sweetie." Alex said as he got up.

Jack looked at Alex for a bit and chuckled.

"Never thought the bounty hunter Alcor aka the most dangerous person alive Alex Mercer would be a father." Jack said and Alex rolled his eyes.

"You sound like my sister she couldn't believe I would be a father as well." Alex said sighed as he looked at Jack.

"And I knew Kitsune was special to you heh your girlfriend huh?" Jack asked as he nudged Alex.

"Heh yeah yeah and her name is Lucy." Alex said looking at Lucy fondly while she slept.

"Well we can talk more later for now let's get this little girl something to eat." Jack said and Alex nodded.

Together the two left the room before Alex closed it quietly behind him not waking Lucy.

They went to the kitchen where Alex and Mary was already there holding a bottle with baby formula in it.

"I figured you would need this." Mary said and Alex saw the small smirk on her face.

Alex chuckled and took the bottle and moved it to Eve who began to drink it.

"I should warn you though Alex any chance of sleep will be gone." Mary said and Jack nodded but Alex smirked.

"I don't need sleep it's a choice for me I have an advantage in parenting." Alex said.

Both Mary and Jack looked at each other before giving a small laugh

"He has a point dear." Mary said and Jack nodded.

"That's quite an envious thing." Jack said as he remembered all the times he barely got sleep when Tom and Rebecca where babies.

With Dana

Dana was watching Adam while he was sleeping on the couch after having consumed Alex.

'Huh so Alex got a soldier to because he let Adam consume him but why a soldier?' Dana thought to herself when anyone would have worked.

Dana looked at Adam and smiled as she stood up and looked down at him.

She saw him stir and her eyes widened a bit.

"Aunt Dana?" Adam asked as he slowly sat up and rubbed his head.

"Hey buddy are you feeling alright?" Dana asked and Adam nodded.

"Yeah my head just hurts a bit but Dad said it would go away." Desmond said as his body rippled with biomass.

This slightly concerned Dana but Adam reassured her that he was fine.

"Want me to get your dad for you?" Dana asked and Adam nodded.

"Yes please." Adam said and Dana left for the kitchen.

She saw Alex talking with Jack and Mary while he fed Eve.

"Alex, Adam is awake."


That's it for this chapter

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