chapter 21: Going to Jack's

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Dana's POV

I just finished up with work and was in the elevator to the apartment not really much can happen so it was kinda boring but anyway.

I was at the apartment door but it was quiet so I opened the door and I saw Alex and Lucy on the couch sleeping.

' Now that's just adorable but I should start on dinner.' I thought as I went to the kitchen and took out the things I need for Mac and cheese and I got started.

Lucy's POV

I woke up to see I was lying on Alex as we were asleep on the couch.

I decided to stay were I was because I was comfortable and after a bit I fell back to sleep but not before I saw Dana in the kitchen I assume she was doing something.

After a few more minutes of sleep I woke up again but this time Alex was awake as well.

"Enjoy your nap Lucy?" Alex asked me.

"With you as a pillow yes I did and thanks for asking." I said and kissed his cheek.

Alex POV

So lucy and I got off the couch and made our way to the kitchen to see Dana putting food on the table.

"Oh so now you wake up from your nap well dinner's ready." Dana said as we sat down.

"So Dana when did you get back anyway?" I asked her as I ate some Mac n Cheese.

"A little over two hours ago and when I got back you two were still asleep." Dana answered me.

"Alright cool so anyway let's finish packing our stuff for tomorow." I said as I finished eating and got up from the couch to go take a shower before I go back to the couch.

"I'm going to take a shower." I said as I left and grabbed my PJs and went to the bathroom where I turned the water on after getting undressed and stepped in.

After I rinsed myself off I got out and put my clothes on and got out of the bathroom.

"Hey who's using the bathroom next?" I asked the girls as I got to the living room and sat next to Lucy.

" I'll go next." Dana said and left the room.

"Alright." I said and moved closer to Lucy.

"So I believe I owe you for earlier." I whispered in her ear and kissed her

neck and wrapped my arms around her waist.

"You do so make it up to me." She moaned a bit.

Warning: Lemon skip if you feel uncomfortable that is all.

I kept kissing her neck and laid her down on the couch and pulled off her shirt leaving her in her bra and pants.

"Well now I need to make sure you feel the pleasure you deserve." I said kissed my way down from her neck to her chest and moved my hands to unclasp her bra and sucked her breast and massaged the other.

Hearing her moan was the best sound and it made me harder.

"Ahhhhhhh well looks like someone has mmmm a problem let me help you." She said and put her hand in my pants and stroked my member and made me groan.

"Let's get rid of these clothes shall we." I said and took of the rest of her clothes and I did the same.

I moved my her down to her pussy and sucked and licked it making her moan harder.

I moved away from her and looked at her.

"You really are beautiful lucy but I think it's time I put in." I said and positioned myself and put my member inside her and thrusted.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh~ Alex t-thrust faster." Lucy moaned and I did as she asked and thrusted faster.

After a few minutes I felt I was close to cumming.

"Lucy I'm close." I said as I kept thrusting.

" I am too Alex." Lucy said and after thrusting a bit more I pulled out and came after Lucy.

Lemon over

"That was amazing Lucy." I said kissing her forehead as we got cleaned up and went back to cuddling on the couch after putting our clothes back on.

"Yes it was Alex so what should we do now?" Lucy asked me as we sat on the couch.

"Well we should make sure we packed everything we need so we don't have to worry about it tomorrow." I said as Lucy and I put our clothess back on.

"Alright my things are already packed in the bag you gave meit has my clothes and toiletries and other." Lucy said as I got up.

"That's good now I just need to pack some of my things so get comfy I'll be back in a bit." I said and went to my room and grabbed my bag and put some clothes in along with some books and and shoes and underwear along with extra clothes just in case of something happening.

After making sure I had everything I needed I went back to the living room to see Lucy still on the couch and Dana sitting in pajama's in an armchair with a cup of coffee.

"Hey sis so did you pack your things?" I asked and went back to my place next to Lucy.

"Yeah Alex I got everything and I'm ready." Dana said as she took a sip of her coffee.

"Ok just checking so anything you guys want to watch?" I said surfing through the channels looking for something interesting.

"Nah not really bro it's maybe a movie or something." Dana said.

"I don't know either anything would be fine with me." Lucy said.

So I looked through a bit more and found the movie the three stooges and we laughed because of how funny the movie was and when the movie ended Dana left for bed and Lucy and I cuddled close and fell asleep.

The next day.

I woke up and saw Lucy was still asleep so I got up carefully so I didn't wake her and made breakfast for everyone and after a bit both girls came into the kitchen and sat at the table as I put everything down.

"Good morning you two sleep well? " I said and sat down with them.

"Yeah thanks and good morning to you too bro." Dana said and ate a piece of toast.

"I slept fine aswell thank you Alex." Lucy said eating some bacon.

"Well we leave in an hour so get ready I'm going to get changed."I said and left the room and went to my room to change out of my pj's and into my usual clothes.

So after finishing that I grabbed my bag and left my room and went to put my bag at the front door and went back to the kitchen to see Dana and Lucy already finished with breakfast so I gathered theirs and mine dishes and went to the sink to clean them.

"Thanks bro." Dana said as she left the room.

"Thank you Alex." Lucy said as she left the room as well.

As I finished the dishes I turnd around and saw that the girls were standing near the door with their bags.

"Well now that were all here I'm just gonna grab my wallet and we can go." I said as I walked to the coffee table and picked up my wallet,phone and MP3 player along with my mask just in case I also picked up Lucy's and we left through the door and I locked it and after putting our masks in my bag we left the apartment building and got a cab and putting our stuff in the trunk we got in and were on our way to Jack's.


That's all for now thanks for reading this chapter

If my girlfriend is reading this I love you dearly


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