chapter 11: undertale comics and fun

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Alex POV

I shuffled over to the girls and together we made our way over to the laptop were we connected it to the Tv so we could watch on a bigger screen after that we decided to watch funny comic dubs.

(Here's the first one they all watched.)

We enjoyed watching the comic and decided to move on to a different one.

"So which one should we watch next?" Lucy asked. "CAN WE PLEASE WATCH A PAPYRUS X METTATON COMIC ITS MY FAVORITE UNDERTALE SHIP!!!" Dana shouted making me cover my ears.

"Sure no need to get a boner about it mettaton." I winked at Dana making her groan at my pun. While Lucy chuckled at my pun.

So we watched a papyrus x mettaton comic.

(This is a funny one is aw on you tube)

I laughed along with Lucy and Dana when the comic ended.

"Wow I didnt think you had such a horny side metta guess I was right about you having that boner huh." I laughed while Dana got embarrassed because she was dressed as mettaton.

"Shut up sans what I do is none of your concern and further more stop your puns." Dana said in her mettaton voice while her face was red.

"I would but I can't I'm to punny to stop now cuz I'm on a roll unlike my head which hasn't rolled of my head which is a good thing." I chuckled while winking at Dana who couldn't think of a better comeback so she stayed quiet while Lucy laughed at the puns I made.

"Thanks for the laughs kiddo but I think I know something better than laughing at my puns you wanna know what that is." I asked her and she looked at me with a confused face.

"What's that sans?" She asked in her best frisk voice.

"Oh nothing much just this." I said ask kissed her lips.

Lucy's POV

I was once again shocked at the surprise kiss but that didn't stop me from kissing back.

After a few minutes Dana cleared her throat so we pulled away from each other.

"That was pretty sansational Sansy." I said to Alex as he smiled at me with his eye's closed.

"Took the words right put of my mouth frisky." He said in his sans voice so I decided to tease him a bit to see if he would blush

"Well sansy if you want we can get frisky later once metta leaves." I said in a flirtatious tone using a smile.

"Well frisky if you want we could do it right now." He said making me blush hard.' Damn it he made me blush instead.' I thought trying to calm down.

"Now darlings as funny as it is to see you too tease each other I'd rather continue with our wacthing of the comics if you please." Dana said in her mettaton voice but I could see in her eyes she was trying not to laugh at me.

Alex POV

I realized Dana was right but I was having fun teasing Lucy because her face was really red and she was pouting it was adorable.

"Sure metta what comic would you like to watch?" I could see the brief evil smile she had before going to the laptop I could only wonder what she was doing until we watched the comic.

(I didn't see this one but a friend of mine did and said it was funny)

"My my you two sure have such cute kids look at them their adorable." Dana snickered in her mettaton voice.

"Shut up you dumb robot." Is all I could say because like Lucy I was red as a tomato.

"Well sans that was quite rude to say I was merely making an observation of what we just saw." She said in an innocent voice but I knew better to think that was really innocent.

"Your asking for a bad time." I said closing my eyes before opening my left eye which had the blue contact.

"Sansy no you can't hurt metta." Lucy said as usual in her frisk voice.

(Guys I'm sorry but just keep thinking that the using the characters their dressed as voices because I don't want to keep saying they are. I will say when they don't please and thanks.)

"Alright frisky I won't do anything to the robot for now." I said. Then I got an idea

"Hey guys why don't we play a little game of truth or dare." I grinned evilly

"That sounds like a splendid idea sans." Dana said.

"Yeah Sansy let's play." Lucy said

"OK metta truth or dare?" I said.

"Truth sans." Dana said

"Is it true you let your rear end panel fall off so that you could feel papyrus smack you're ass." I said but I knew the answer already.

"Yes fine it is true but it just felt so good when he did." Dana said smiling at my horrified expression of what she said.

"OK I'm gonna forget that but for now it's your turn metta." I said.

"Frisk darling truth or dare?" Dana said.

"I take truth mettaton."

"Very well how do you feel about sans my dear."

"Thats simple I love him and would kill anyone that hurt him."

"Aww thanks kiddo I love you too  " I said as I kissed her lips while she kissed back.

"OK I believe its your turn now frisk darling." Dana said interrupting us make Lucy pull away.

"Oh your right sans truth or dare?" She asked.

"I'll take dare frisky." I was confident that she couldn't think of anything bad.

"I dare you to drink a whole bottle of ketchup." Wow that is one easy dare.

"Sure kiddo just give me a sec to grab some and I'll ketchup with ya in a minute.

After a minute I came back with a bottle of ketchup opened the lid and drank it all.

"Well that hit the spot if I do say so myself." I said as I finished the ketchup.

"My turn truth or dare metta?" I just had a genius idea on what to ask Dana that would really piss her off.

"I'll take a dare this time sansy." She was cocky which was great for me.

"I dare you to do four of your signature poses." I smiled evilly because I knew you had to stretch a lot while doing these poses.

After she was done she was pissed off at me I could tell by her facial expression but then she changed to a smile which I did not trust for a second.


Thats all for now people stay tuned to see just what will happen to our poor skeleton in the next round of the game.

Oh and if my girlfriend is reading this I love you

Thats all for now peace out yall

Alex Mercer Even A Prototype Can LoveWhere stories live. Discover now