Chapter 2

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As we where walking to mine and Dana's home I started wondering ' Should I talk to her or not ' but his thoughts were interrupted when he heard her ask " How long have you had your powers and how did you get them if I can ask?" I thought about telling her but decided to tell her the whole story when we get home so I said"I'll answer you're questions when we get home which reminds me this is taking to long let's hurry up a bit" without thinking I picked her up bridal style.

Lucy's POV

"What are you doing!!" I asked surprised by what he did but instead of answering he ran straight into a building. 'THIS GUY IS CRAZY!!!' and I braced myself ready to hit the building but instead of feeling the impact I saw he actually started running up the building as if he was running on the ground.

Alex POV

I laughed a little seeing the surprised look on her face then when we reached the top of the building. I said"See now we will reach the place faster so you better hold on tight!" and as I said that I could see the slight glare on her face but then held tighter after I jumped to the next building.

Lucy POV

I was wondering just what his powers were when we reached the top of the building but then I got mad at him for not warning me before he picked me up and started running I was tempted to use my vectors to attack him but then thought against it.

Then he jumped to the next building and I gripped around his neck tighter scared for my life after a while I actually started to enjoy it ' This is actually nice feeling the wind on my face ' it felt like we were flying.

Alex POV

I could see that she started enjoying it so I stopped on the next building I landed on and put her down before I said"Get on my back it will be more fun and don't worry it will be fine were near the place just a bit more running and jumping and we will be there soon" I could tell she was thinking about it but after a minute she got on my back and we were off.

It was getting a little bit darker so I decided it would help if I glided."HOLD ON" I shouted and jumped off the building and started gliding in the air.

Lucy POV

I heard him shout for me to hold on and then be jumped off the building but he didn't land on the next one which made me scared thinking we would fall but the he started gliding and I started screaming a little in excitement

Alex POV

I could hear her screaming in excitement and it made me laugh  knowing she was enjoying herself.

Dana's POV

I stopped working on the computer and stretched a little then I looked at a clock.(I'm putting thoughts in italics so you can see the difference 🙂)' where is Alex it's getting late maybe he's in trouble' she thought she wasn't worried but then she heard a loud thud knowing it Alex I went to the door to open it but I was surprised to see him with a girl on his back.

Lucy's POV

I was still looking at some of the building when we stopped and I heard Alex say that were here and while I was getting off his back I heard the door open to see a girl. ' she must be Dana Alex's sister' I thought.

Alex POV

I saw Dana standing by the door looking at me with a smile but it wasn't a happy one more like a teasing one."Wow Alex you left a few hours ago and come back with a girlfriend I'm impressed"Dana said which caused me to blush and I could she Lucy blushing to and I said "T-thats not funny Dana" stuttering slightly only for her to laugh at me a little bit before saying"so Alex what's she doing here with you though?"Dana asked me.

"She's gonna stay with us from now on Dana I'll explain when we're inside"I said still blushing a little moving out of the way so that Lucy could walk in I could see her still blushing like me.'this is gonna be a long night' I thought and walked into the apartment closing the door


That's it for now thanks for reading

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