chapter 15: I hate my life

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Lucy's POV

After mine and Alex 'fun' we went back to cuddling on the couch and watched a movie.

"Alex when do you think Dana is coming back she's been gone for a while I wonder where she is?" I asked him.

"Thats a good question Lucy but I'm sure she'll be fine but if she's not back in an hour I'm going to look for her." Alex said to me and we went back to watching the movie.

Dana's POV

Here I am at a store thats packed with people why don't I go somewhere else you might ask.

Well thats because this is the only place where I can get what I need and unfortunately I came on the busiest day and I still need to go to the store and get what I told Alex I would.

At thus rate I'm gonna be here for the next three hours.

'Oh fuck my life and everything else I should have asked Alex to come here instead of me.' I thought to myself as the line moved slowly.

Alex POV

'Where the actual fuck is my sister its been over three hours when she left.' I thought and turned to Lucy who was watching TV.

"Lucy I'm going to find Dana so I'm going to the mall to find her if you want you can stay here." I said ready to get up.

"No its alright Alex I'll go with you I want to help you find Dana." Lucy said as she got off me so I could get up.

"Thanks Lucy it means a lot that you would go with me." I smiled and kissed her. She kissed me back before we got up.

"You go shower Lucy I'll wait." I said while she went to shower.

After a few minutes she came out wearing a towel.

"Alex the showers open you can use it now." Is what I think she said but I focused on her to much to hear her speak but not wanting to be an idiot I went to shower.

After I went to shower I went to my room to grab some clothes after I saw Lucy sitting on the couch.

I grabbed the clothes I would wear everyday before I met Lucy blue jeans,white button up shirt,but I put on my black hoodie instead of my grey one but I grabbed it,my leather jacket and some sneakers.

I left the room and decided to give Lucy a scare so I crept up behind her and shouted,"BOO!!" She gave a surprised yelp and turned to see me smiling.

"Alex that wasn't funny!!" She pouted with her arms crossed which I found adorable.

"I'm sorry Lucy." I said before I moved to her side and whispered in her ear.

"But I'll make it up to you later I promise." I said and kissed her neck and I could hear a faint moan before I got up.

"I hate that I want that but I also really want to right now." Lucy said as she got off.

"Don't worry Lucy we'll have plenty of time for that." I said and grabbed her hand as we left for the roof and noticed she was wearing my grey hoodie and I smiled

"Welp get on my back Lucy we need to get there quick. So I can keep my promise to you." I winked at her before she got on my back.

"You better keep that promise Alex." She said and I took off to the mall jumping from roof to roof.

Soon we got to the mall I jumped down to an alley so no one could notice.

"Now let's go find my idiot sister." I said and I took her hand and we made our way to through the mall to a gadget store which was the most obvious place to look for her.

As we got there I saw she was indeed in the line third from the front so I made my way through the crowd of people with Lucy right behind me.

"Hey sis so why are you in this line and why didnt you call home or me?" I asked normally but she could see I was pissed off.

"Well bro I was trying to buy this new hard drive for the computer but unfortunately I came on the busiest day and the line was long as hell and I may or may not have forgotten to charge my phone the night before." She said and I smacked her on the head.

"Owww fuck what was that for Alex oh and hey Lucy I see you came with Alex." Dana said rubbing her head were I smacked her.

"Well my sister is a complete idiot who forgot to charge her phone and made me have to come to the mall at four in the afternoon." I said and smiled innocently at her.

"Well at least now we know you're OK Dana so did you get the hard drive?" Lucy said to Dana while I was wondering just how long the line had to be if she left at ten in the morning.

"Not yet but I'm close just two more people and I get it." Dana said happily that is until.

"Excuse me ladies and gentlemen we are sorry to say that the store is closing early today so please come back tomorrow thank you all." Some store clerk said to everyone as people started leaving I could see that Dana was pissed and sad.

"I don't fucking believe this after all the waiting I had to do to get here let's just go to the store to get the other stuff I came for." Dana said in a sad tone.

"Lucy you go with Dana I'll catch up in a second." I said and kissed her on her cheek.

"OK alex just don't take to long." Lucy said and walked next to Dana before I turned around and went back into the store.

"Excuse me sir the store is closing." Said some lady at the front desk.

"Yeah about that I don't give a damn my sister came here to buy some new hard drive like those other guys here before her did." I said trying to be nice but this lady named Jennifer is a bitch.

"Look jackass I don't care if she did the store is closed do leave before I call security." She said trying to scare me of.

"OK I tried being nice but thats going nowhere so you are going to sell me one of those hard drives or your gonna have a bad time bitch." I said turning my arm into its blade form glaring at her. Which seemed to do the trick.

"O-ok j-just please don't hurt me." She said with tears in her eyes.

"Thats great here's the money for it." I smiled and played the exact amount.

And I left the gadget shop to the store to find Dana holding a bag glaring at me.

"Were did you go Alex." Dana asked me.

"Well I got you a little something to help make you feel better." I said and handed her the bag she took it and when she saw what was in there she looked like see saw a ghost.

"Alex is that what I think it is?" She asked not believing her eyes.

"You mean that hard drive you wanted so badly why yes,yes it is." I said as she jumped on me hugging me as tight as she could.

"THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THIS IS THE BEST YOUR THE GREATEST BROTHER EVER." She shouted and hugged tighter causing others to look at us.

While Lucy just smiled at the display and laughed.

"Alright sis let's go home so I can make dinner and you owe me cuz I might be banned from that store for life." I said and we made our way home via taxi.

And we got home Dana opened the door.

"Why does it smell like someone fucked in here...OH MY GOD you guy did not!!" She turned towards me and Lucy who by now Lucy was hiding behind my back while I just turned my face away from her.

"OH MY GOD I am never gonna let you live this done you realize that right." Dana said with a smirk on her face.

' well its official I really hate my life.' I thought while I went to the kitchen with Lucy following me and I just went to make dinner with Dana laughing in the living room.

Thats all for now folks thanks for reading tell me what you think about it.

If my girlfriend is reading this I love you so much darling.

Thats all for now peace out yall

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