chapter 8

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Alex POV

I woke up remembering everything that happened yesterday. I smiled looking down at Lucy I lightly kissed her head.

Lucy POV

I woke up feeling someone kiss my head I slowly opened my eyes and saw Alex getting up.

"Good morning Alex." I said smiling rubbing the sleep out of my eyes.

"Good morning Lucy did you sleep well." Alex asked looking at me. "Yes I did thank you for asking." I got out of bed and made my way to leave for the bathroom.

Alex POV

Just before she left I remembered to tell her.

" Don't forget all of us are going to Coney island today so get ready and don't forget." I said also making my way out of the room to the kitchen to make breakfast.

When I got to the kitchen I thought about what I should make. I just decided I would make some eggs, bacon and some toast.

After I finished making breakfast Dana and Lucy walked in and sat at the table talking about some random thing I didn't want to know what it was so I went to change clothes.

Dana's POV

I was walking to the kitchen when I walked next to Lucy.

" Good morning Lucy I'm surprised to see you not with Alex in the kitchen." I said walking next to her.

" Good morning Dana I was just in the bathroom showering and changed clothes." She said as we walked to the kitchen.

"That's good so I hear you and Alex became a couple." I started teasing Lucy a bit.

" Yes we did and I'm happy we did." Lucy said but her cheeks were a little pink.

" That's good." I said as we walked into the kitchen and sat down for breakfast.

Alex POV

I went into the room and decided to wear a pair of black jeans,red shirt,black dress shirt and my leather jacket with black sneakers. I decided not to wear a hoodie today.

I walked out and went back to the kitchen to sit with the girls and eat breakfast.

After breakfast Lucy and I waited for Dana to get ready so we sat on the couch and talk.

"Hey Dana why did the military bring you to New York in the first place if I may ask?" I was really curious why they brought her to New York in the first place not that I was complaining.

" They brought me here because they saw me use my powers and thought I was a freak." Lucy said a little sad.

" Well I for one think your not a freak and anyone who says that to you will have to say that to me and maybe I can see your powers when we run into military I could use a partner." I said

" Thank you Alex that made me feel better and I'll be happy to help you with the military I wanted to get some payback for what happened." I said happy to help Alex destroy the military.

After a few minutes Dana came in and we made our way out of the apartment to catch a train to Coney island.

The walk to the to the subway was uneventful which was nice. Before we left I reminded Lucy not to leave without covering her head so no one could see her horns.

We were waiting for a train I saw a guy selling coffee and went to get some.

As I was walking back the train showed up and we got on.

After a two hour ride and a little walking we were at Coney island it was a really fun amusement park.

When we got our tickets and went in we decided to play some games.

" So what shall we play first I have no idea what to play." I was wondering what to play until Dana saw a ring toss Game.

" So Alex ready to get your ass kicked at ring toss." She said smirking and made her way to the game.

I think she forgot that I am literally a being with heightened senses including sight and increased accuracy.

So we went over to the game and I let Dana go first being a good person. She laughed and said," Thanks Alex but your still getting your ass kicked." She managed to only missed one ring.

She walked over to me proud of herself even Lucy was impressed but I knew I would leave them shocked.

I walked over to the game and picked up all the rings saying," let's make a bet Dana if I beat you... You have to do a favour for me and if I don't I will do anything for you anything at all Deal?". " Deal but there is no way you are gonna beat me!!"

And I threw all the rings at once and they hit all the bottles. Everyone stared at me eye's wide and mouths open.

I turned to Lucy and Dana. Dana was pissed and Lucy was still shocked at what I just did.

"Dana it important to know who you are going against and what there powers are." I think something clicked in Dana's mind because she was even more pissed than before.

"Alex you cheater that was unfair and you know it!!!!" She yelled at me but I reminded her," Dana it's not my fault you agreed to the bet before remembering." She was still pissed at me but agreed that I was right so then I decided to get Lucy a prize so when we passed through a strength test where the prize was a giant cat plushie.

"That cat plushie looks adorable I really wish I could win it but I'm not strong enough to." She said in a disappointed tone.

" Don't worry Lucy I'll win that prize for you." I walked up to a line of guys who where trying to prove they were the strongest.

I laughed causing everyone to look at me.

" Something thing funny punk?" Some muscle head said looking pissed.

" Yeah I just find it funny that you and your friends have to prove your stronger than other people it's hilarious." This made them really pissed.


Hello everyone sorry it took so long to update I was busy but I will try to update sooner

And if my girlfriend is reading this I love you


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