chapter 19: first day on the job

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Alex POV

So after a bit we got to the police station and we went inside to the front desk.

"Hey Jack got any jobs for me today and how's the family." I said as he was sitting at his desk.

"Oh Hey Alcor the families fine and let me check but who's the new person and I thought you only do jobs at night?" Jack asked me.

"This is my new partner kitsune she's just started bounty hunting today with me and I had nothing to do today so I figured I might as well catch some crooks." I said.

"Hello its a pleasure to meet you." Lucy/kitsune said to Jack.

"Wow she has manners to she's a keeper Alcor." He said winking at me.

"Yeah she is but do you have a job for us Jack." I said to him but was smiling under the mask I was wearing.

"Yup right here a local gang has been seen smuggling drugs in Chinatown but we're only after one individual the rest you can kill but the boss is the one the bounty is asking for his name is
Ju Pak Ma he's been seen smuggling drugs and our Intel says he's the one your looking for." Jack said as he handed me the report.

"This is perfect we'll take it thanks Jack." I said as I and Lucy waved to Jack before we left the station.

"Alright Lucy get on my back because Chinatown is a bit far from here." I said and Lucy got in my back as I jumped to the side of a building and began running up the walls.

Finally after a half hour we were in Chinatown.

"Ok Lucy were here now we just need to get to the meeting place before we capture this guy got it." I said to Lucy who was still on my back.

"Ok Alex ready when you are." Lucy said.

"Let's go then." I said as I jumped to the next building and started running.

We made to an alleyway were the exchange was happening and just like Jack said this guy was traveling with a gang.

"Ok Lucy for now we blend with the shadows until I give the order to attack then you'll take out the gang while I go for Ju Pak Ma got it?" I said as I let Lucy of my back.

"Understood let's do this" Lucy said with a serious tone of voice.

As we waited for an opening I listened in on what they said.

"We have your shipment and will deliver it to your boss soon." Said one of the thugs.

"Alright let's just hurry up." Said some thug that was helping our soon to be captured target.

"Now!!" I shouted as me and Lucy appeared in front of them.

"Who the fuck are you two!?!" Ju Pak Ma shouted while the rest pulled out their guns.

"We're the bounty hunters here to capture you now either come quietly or we do this the fun way." I said as I cracked my knuckles and Lucy smiled underneath her mask.

"Kistune how many are there?" I asked Lucy.

"There are currently fifteen counting in the target." She said.

"So you come to a decision yet." I said in a bored tone.

"Yes...KILL THEM BOTH!!!" Shouted our target and they began to fire at us but I summoned my shield to cover us.

"Well kitsune show what you got." I said to Lucy.

Gore ahead warning to those who are sensitive to Gore to skip.

"Alright." Lucy said once they ran out of bullets.

Lucy then jumped over my shield and summoned vector hands and stabbed one of the thugs through his chest leaving a hole where his heart should be before cutting him in half and using the right half of his body and slamming another thugs into the ground and continued until he was a bloody pulp on the ground.

Not wanting to be outdone I summoned my hammerfists and punched one thugs head of before ripping his arms off and shoving them where his head should have been and pounded the thug next to him into the ground hearing crunching sounds as his bones were breaking.

Soon Lucy and I where standing next to each other facing the remaining ten minusing there boss.

"So ready to tear them apart?" I said to Lucy who I knew had a grin on her face as I summoned my claws.

"Of course I am." Lucy said as she summoned five vectors.

I slammed my clawed hand onto the ground which made three big spikes appear impaling two of the thugs.

I saw Lucy run towards them and dismember them by cutting of either there arms or legs and leaving them to bleed out as she moved to the next one.

"Fuck who are these guys." One guy said as we were getting closer.

"W-w-wait I know him he's the nightmare king!!!" I thug shouted scared shitless as he watched what happened to the others.

"Indeed I am so let me ask you this d O y O U W a n n a h a v E a b a d t I m E??" I asked in a monstrous voice making them pale.

Lucy ran towards there paled and shocked forms and stabbed two more through their skull.

I walked over to their leader and rapped a tendril around him before cutting the tendril off me leaving him tied up.

"So you probably know who I am but I'll tell you anyway I am Alcor the nightmare king you are going to pay for what you have done NOW FACE MY JUDGEMENT!!!" I said to him as I stabbed his arms and hands deeply with my clawed fingers before stabbing his legs.

He fell to the ground screaming in pain before he passed out.

Gore over folks.

I turned to Lucy who finished off the last guy and looked at me.

"So did you have fun and that is one amazing power you have." I said as I lifted Ju Pak Ma onto my shoulder.

"That was the most fun I've ever had can we please do this again?" Lucy said to me as I smiled under my mask.

"Of course you are my new partner after all." I said as we made our way to the exit.

"Let's go take this body to the station." I said as Lucy got on my back as I started running up the wall


That's all for now thanks for reading my chapter

If my girlfriend is reading this I love you dearly

That's all for now peace out y'all

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