chapter 5: shopping and some idiots

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Alex POV

Well we got to the mall and I realised just how long it's been since I've done anything other than kill, destroy,consume and disimbowel my enimies.

' just what do people do here I forgot' I thought. Then I decided to just ask Dana." Hey Dana what do people do here exactly I forgot." Dana looked at me like I was insane before she started laughing while saying," My god Alex how do you not know what to do at a mall."she asked while laughing I just shrugged her comment off.

"So are you going to tell me or not." I asked feeling irritated," Fine a mall is were people buy things they need such as clothes, appliances, gadgets and groceries that's about it were here to get clothes for Lucy."she finished when we got to a clothes shop.

As we walked in I told Dana to find some clothes for Lucy while went to find somewhere to wait for them.

Dana's POV

"Alright there is a sitting place in the store near where we are going to be and maybe we can find some clothes for you too." I said as he gave a maybe as an answer I took Lucy to find her some clothes.

Lucy's POV

When we got to this place called a mall I was about to ask but Alex already asked so as we walked I heard her tell him soon we arrived at the clothes shop and Alex told Dana to take me to get some clothes.

Dana took me while Alex went to go sit in a chair nearby waiting. I turned to Dana who gave me various clothes from dresses,shirts,pants and even underwear and then she took me to a changing room were she waited outside for me to finish trying on clothes and show her how they look.

Alex POV

I hadn't realised I feel asleep until I felt someone poking me awake I turned to see Lucy." So find anything?" Lucy pointed her finger towards Dana who had already paid for the clothes and was holding bags.

I laughed slightly before Dana said it was my turn for some new clothes which I groaned at what Dana said I hate getting clothes.

I heard Lucy laugh at my reaction," Oh you think it's funny." I asked playfully glaring with a smile." Yes it is a little funny." She said and continued to laugh and I joined in a little before giving in to Dana's command and looking for someone I liked or anything I liked I found a black hoodie, some jeans,dress shirts and a pair of sneakers ( black cuz their my favourite colours) and went to pay for them after I did I took my black hoodie and put in on under my leather jacket but I kept the hood down.

With bags in our hands we left and went to the food courts to get something to eat. I was actually having a good time we went to a pizza place for a bite.

Everything was fine until Dana had to go to the bathroom and some idiot guy walked up to Lucy with friends.

Lucy's POV

I was having a great time and we had gone to a pizza place since it was my first time having pizza.

Everything was fine until some man and his friends came up to me and made me feel uncomfortable I wanted to use my vectors to kill them but I calmed down before they came out.

Random dude POV

I was sitting in some pizza place with my friends when I saw this girl walk in she had red hair but covered it with a Gray hood which was big on her." Hey she looks good." One of my friends said," yeah she is I'm going to talk to her." I got up and went to were she sat my friends following. " Hey hot stuff wanna have some time with a real man."

Alex POV

I saw how this guy came up with his friends and started flirting with Lucy in front of me it was taking everything I had not to cut him in half because he made Lucy uncomfortable so I spoke up and said," Leave her alone you creeps your making her uncomfortable." I was trying to be nice but this guy didn't seem to get it cuz he looked at me and just said," why don't you fuck off it doesn't concern you." And he went back to flirting with Lucy.

I started getting pissed so I got up and pushed him away from Lucy who smiled at me mouthing " thank you."

" So you want to play hero you fuckin' prick." He got up and pushed me but I didn't move. Instead he tried to advance towards me so I punched him in the face and he flew back clutching his now throbbing cheek saying,"this isn't over I'll get you for this" while his friends pick him up and left.

"Thanks Alex they where making me uncomfortable." "I know I could see it on your face I hate people like that lets just enjoy our time shall we." I said sitting down. "Yeah let's." Just then the pizza arrived and Dana came back after eating we left the mall and began walking home.

"Well well what do we have here" it was the same guy who I punched and broke his nose which now has a bandage on it. He and his friends had guns and knives which made me want to laugh.

I could see Dana already beat me to it cuz she was holding her sides from laughing to hard even Lucy was laughing so I asked them to hold my bags.

"What's so funny your friend over here is about to die and when we're done with him we'll kill you two bitches to maybe even have some fun before." He and his friends laughed

*Gore you have been warned*

Now I was pissed it's one thing to make fun of me but never make threaten Dana or Lucy if you value your life. So I walked up to get a view of how much were there. I counted 15 total they started walking up to me one guy stabbed me in the stomach I just stood there before grabbing the guys arm and ripping it off before consuming him.

" Still feel confident you dumbasses." They were shocked but didn't back down. They lifted there guns and shot but I morphed my arm into a shield to protect the three of us.

When I saw their guns were empty I morphed my arms into hammerfists and smashed two of them into a bloody pulp. Then morphed my arms into claws and stabbed them into one guy ripping out his internal organs and consuming him before killing off everyone until one who's nose I had broken remained.

He was on the ground begging for me to spare him but I already stabbed his stomach and left him for death.

" Well let's get home so I can start on dinner." Picking up my bags as we started walking home again.


That's all folks I know I'm using mainly Alex POV and I will change that in further chapters so bear with me leave a comment about it

Thanks to those who are reading it


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