chapter 10

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Lucy's POV

I was surprised to say the least that Alex kissed me but it felt right. I started kissing him back and closing my eyes to savor the moment.

Alex POV

I was enjoying the kiss after I felt her kiss me back but I knew we needed to get home.

So we parted so Lucy could catch her breath.

"That felt amazing Lucy but we should really get going home." I said stretching my body a bit.

"Your probably right Alex we should and also the kiss felt good to we should do it more often." She said smiling at me.

Needless to say I was suprised. So much so that I accidentally walked of the building. My thoughts,' well that was surprising... Wait why is everything is everything moving up?' Oh shit... I realized I was falling and quickly air dashed to the building and started running up to see Lucy on the floor laughing because I may or may not have screamed when I realized I was falling.

"Let's just get home Lucy and I think we should kiss more you are good at it." Now it was my turn to laugh when I saw her tomato red face.

After a few minutes she got on my back and I started running  jumping from building to building. So about 15 minute's later we got home with a note on the table that said Dana went to bed early and not to make to much noise.

"So wanna watch some TV?" I asked her since we had nothing to do.

"Sure anything good on?" She asked as I was checking the channels until I found a movie called Wukong I checked out what it was about and thought it was pretty good.

"Yeah a movie called Wukong its in Chinese so I hope you don't mind reading subtitles its starting ( Its a good movie if you haven't seen it I have its a favorite of mine) after making some popcorn and settled on the couch and watched the movie it was a combination of comedy,action,some drama and a bit of romance and some history.

"That was a good movie I was surprised at the end." I turned to see Lucy with tears in her eyes.

I immediately got worried," Lucy what's wrong why are you crying?"

"I-its just when sun wukong lost the girl he loved and put the gold crown she wore and fused it with his staff was just so sad especially the part were he kissed her before she turned into dust." Now she had more tears so I pulled her into my arms and let her cry after that I let her snuggle up to me on the couch so she could fall asleep I smiled and kissed her forehead.

In the morning I woke up to find that Lucy was still on my chest.

Smiling I kissed her cheek and gently nudged her awake." Lucy its time to wake up so I can start on breakfast.

Lucy's POV

I woke up to see Alex smiling at me as I got up and I kissed his cheek and went to the bathroom for a shower.

Before I went in I remembered last night and smiled remembering Alex comfort me when I was crying about that movie he was so sweet. That movie was good to I really liked it.

"Good morning Dana did you sleep well." Seeing her leave her room.

"Good mornin Lucy did you sleep well." Dana said in a tired voice while stretching her arms.

"Yes I did thanks for asking." I said and made my way to the bathroom to shower.

Alex POV

I heard the shower turn on while I was in the kitchen making breakfast scrambled eggs and some toast with juice.

"Mornin Dana breakfast will be ready soon take a seat or watch some TV for a bit." I heard a yawn and heard her move the chair to sit in it.

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