chapter 13: Grocery shopping how fun

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Alex POV

Naturally the next morning I woke up first as I always do. So I slide out of Lucy's grasp without waking her up.

I went to the kitchen to start on breakfast until I realized we were low on food so I got changed into black jeans,white button up shirt and black hoodie with my sneakers.

Blacklight soldier's POV

We were put on patrol to hunt for Zeus weeks ago and we still haven't found him.

We were getting tired because we were stuck doing this until we find either him or that red head that escaped with him.

"We never gonna find him why don't we give up and go back to base." I complained as usual because this is the twenty fifth FUCKIN TIME WE PATROLLING.

"You know we can't or commander will be on our asses about it." My partner said in a calm voice but I could tell he was just as pissed as I was.

So we continued our patrol with some machine that could help us find him.

We continued until that Maxine started beeping fast so we held it up while some guy walking in a black hoodie walked past us.

"Hey we got a signal that guy must be him we should get him now." I whispered to the soldier next to me while holding up my gun ready to shoot.

"Wait let's follow him so we can get him in a less populated area so a big panic isn't made." He whispered back to me.

So we followed him discreetly.

Alex POV

'Well I'm being followed.' I said as I was walking to the store cuz I was to lazy to jump from. building to building.

Wow these soldiers are idiots if they think I don't know there following me I mean seriously I have heightened senses these idiots think I can't sense them.

So I continued walking and pretended they weren't there.

Once I got to the store I made sure I got what we needed such as eggs,bacon,fresh veggies,fruit,Mac and cheese,cheese,bread,some meats,pasta,ketchup(since I drank the whole bottle),and some spices,gummy bears(because I wanted something sweet),some cookies (because Dana wanted some),and soda.

After paying for the groceries I made my way out and noticed there weren't a lot of people.

'These guys must be planning to ambush well might as well get ready.' So I kept on walking until I heard," FREEZE ZUES OR WE WILL SHOOT!!!" I sighed and turn around to the two soldiers who had there guns in the air.

"Seriously guys can't you leave me alone its to early for this. I said wondering if they'd listen but instead they started shooting at me so I turned around so I could shield my groceries so I lowered them and ran to these guys turning my arm into the blade.

(Warning gore ahead you have been warned)

So I started running to these guys who shot all there bullets at me to surprise them that I instantly regenerated while running to slash one of the soldiers arms and leg of hearing them scream in pain as blood fell from him but not before I stabbed my hand through into his stomach before letting my tendrils consume him and his disemboweled arms and legs before I turned to the second soldier who just kept firing even though I could see he was scared shitless.

So as I was about to run at him I remembered yesterday and smiled at what I was about to do.

I jumped up as high as I could and before positioning my body so that my blade would be the first thing to hit the floor or in this case the soldier.

"Getttttttttttt dunked on!!" I shouted as I cut him clean in half turning him into a bloody mess and consumed him.

(Gore over folks)

So I turned to the bags of groceries just now noticing it was riddlied with bullet holes and blood.

After a few minutes of looking at that bag I looked to the sky and did this

"NOOOOOOOO MY GROCERIES DAMN YOU YOU FUCKING SOLDIERS I SHOULD HAVE MADE YOUR DEATHS MORE PAINFUL." I shouted to the sky before walking back to the store and buying everything again and walking home this time with no soldiers interrupting me.

Dana's POV

I woke up hearing someone shout no but I thought it was nothing and went back to sleep.

Alex POV

I finally made it back to the apartment to see that Lucy and Dana were awake and at the table.

"Hey Alex what took so long and were did you go anyway." Dana asked me but I was still pissed and just grunted only to see Lucy get up from the chair and kissed my cheek.

"Good morning Alex did you sleep well." Lucy said with a smile. It made me feel better about what happened earlier.

"Good morning Lucy and yes I did because I had the most beautiful girl cuddling on me." I said and kissed her cheek.

I could see her smile so I proceeded to make breakfast for everyone and we all sat down and ate while we were talking.

"So Alex were did you go." Dana asked as she was eating a piece of toast.

"I went to the store were two soldiers were trying to ambush me but these dumbasses didnt know I had heightened senses." I said while drinking some juice.

"Oh... Wait what!!! What happened are you OK?" Lucy asked in a worried tone and Dana gave me a worried expression on her face.

"Guys its cool I have instant regenerative powers remember but anyway after I got everything these soldiers jumped me and then we got to fighting I made my arm into the blade and disemboweled the first soldier and consumed him before I jumped into the air and readied my blade to slice him in half while I shouted gettttttttt dunked on and cosumed him and here we are now." I finished my story as the girls were laughing.

"Alex you seriously shouted get dunked on?" Dana said while laughing.

"Yeah now if you excuse me I'm going to the couch and Dana its your turn to do dishes today." I said as I went to the couch and turned the TV on when Lucy joined me and we cuddled and watched some TV while I was thinking about what to do for today.


Thats all for now people thanks for reading and there will be more soldiers in the future and a bit more romance between Alex and Lucy and some family fun for the three of them.

If my girlfriend is reading this I love you dearly.


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