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Getting into the Hamilton residence was definitely not easy. The entire time Alexander spent trying to figure out how to get inside, he couldn't help but feel like something was watching. It also didn't help that it felt like something was guarding the house, almost daring him to enter.

He accepted the challenge, taking a step past the house gates before spreading his wings. Alexander's wings were feathered, pitch black at the top, slowly going to a dark crimson gradient. He had gotten quite a few compliments on them in hell, which was an accomplishment, considering that demons almost never said nice things to each other.

He bent his legs a little before pushing up and launching into the air. He flapped his wings, flying past the windows and looking inside each one, trying to find a sign of which room was Philip's.

Well he did this, he couldn't help but think that the name "Hamilton" sounded familiar. Maybe there's a demon in Hell named Hamilton. He thought to himself, although he wasn't totally convinced.

He passed a window and looked inside. The walls were bright pink, with some white wooden furniture. Toys such as dolls and stuffed animals were set neatly around the room, some in the corner, one on a dresser, and two on the bed. There was no one inside.

He quickly went to the next window. This one had light blue walls, and unlike the pink room, was very messy. It looked as if a tornado had been there. The bed was messy, and clothes were thrown everywhere. The desk in the corner had papers all across it. There was a half eaten Hershey bar that laid on top of what Alex assumed was a lap top.

"This must be it." Alexander whispered to himself. From the small time that he had spent talking with Washington, he had been told enough information about Philip to understand who he was, so Alex wouldn't accidentally watch the wrong kid.

Alex carefully checked to see if the window was locked, and let out a thankful sigh when the window slid upwards. He stepped through the window frame, careful not to knock anything over. He was halfway through the door when he felt a pair of eyes on the back of his head. He quickly turned around to catch whatever was looking at him, but he saw nothing. He shrugged it off and continued through the window. Once he was inside he shut the window, and took another look around the room.

"What am I supposed to do now?" Alexander mumbled to himself. As if to answer hid question, the door swung open, making Alexander almost jump out of his skin in panic.

Inside stepped a young kid. He was maybe 5'1, with short curly hair and freckles spread all across his face. A realization came to him almost automatically, that this was Philip. From what Washington had told him, he was eleven.

Philip looked around the room, his eyes landing on Alexander for a split second before he looked away. Alexander immediately relaxed, realizing that he couldn't see him.

Alexander looked closely at him,realizing he looked tired and sad. Alexander felt the odd urge to hug the young child, before he quickly scolded himself mentally. You're a demon, you can't just go around hugging kids.

He watched as Philip shuffled through his papers on his messy desk, occasionally muttering "Where is it?" before he finally pulled out a paper and jumped up excitedly.

Alexander only got a glimpse of the paper, which looked like a drawing of five people, like a family, before a voice yelled from downstairs. "Philip, are you coming?!"

"Yes ma!" Philip quickly replied, dropping the paper back onto his desk and running out the room, taking one last look inside before shutting it.

Alexander slowly made his way to the desk, and carefully picked up the white paper and examined it. It did have five people. The first one was a young girl with light brown hair in a pink dress. The second was a kid much shorter than the first girl, with short hair and a smile. The next one was clearly Philip, with his curly hair and his freckles. The next one was a taller woman with a long blue dress and long brown hair. There was only one person left, a man in a suit. All of the people were holding hands, and above their heads was a large heart.

Alex felt oddly proud of Philip, which didn't make sense considering that he had only known Philip for a few seconds. Despite that, he couldn't help but think about how the artwork should be showcased in a museum, or at least a fridge.

He took this moment to look more around Philip's desk. Normally, he wouldn't be this nosy, but he felt as if he needs to get to know Philip, so he knows how to properly protect him.

He continued going through the papers, most of them being school work that he had gotten high grades on. Alexander couldn't help but feel proud of the kid.

He finally took notice of a drawer next to the desk. He went to the top shelf, which had some random pencils and markers in it. The next one had note books that Alex skimmed through before getting bored. The last drawer had a bunch of pictures. Alex carefully picked one up, examining it.

The photo looked like a selfie, with Philip in it, smiling. Next to him was a man, but when Alexander tried to focus on his face his vision got blurry, forcing him to look away. When he looked at it from a distance, he realized that it was if that part of the picture was blurred.

He put the picture back, and picked up another. This one also had Philip, but this time there was a woman holding him. She had long, dark brown hair and was wearing a blue dress. Alex found her very beautiful. He noticed that the man was also blurred on this picture. He sighed, going for the next picture, before realizing it was the same thing for that one, and the next, and the next.

He sighed, closing the drawer. He didn't understand why he wouldn't be able to see this person. Despite going through Philip's personal stuff, he still didn't seem to know him any better. If this is what angels have to do daily, I can't help but pity them. He thought to himself.

He let out yet another miffed sigh, and sat down on the bed. Maybe tomorrow will be easier. He thought hopefully, before laying against the bed and closing his eyes.

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