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Meanwhile, the headquarters at Heaven were in chaos.

Dozens of angels were running around, trying to figure out where the CEO's son went. Henry angry walked around, looking for any updates.

"Peggy, did the investigators find anything in his apartment?" Henry asked, and Peggy shook her head.

"No sir."

Henry sighed, and was about to walk away when Peggy spoke again. "Sir?"

"Yes?" Henry answered, a little irritated.

"You're not going to arrest John, are you?" She asked quietly.

Henry shook his head. "No, although he will be disciplined. His behavior hasn't been monitored enough and I have let him do whatever he wants for too long now."

Peggy convinced herself to ask a question that's been bothering her. "Are you sure that's a good idea?"

"He's my son, I think I know what's best for him."

"Then you clearly don't know who your son is." Peggy answered, before she could think twice. Once she noticed his glare, she quickly spoke again. "No offense, Sir, but that's not going to stop John. He's reckless, and always puts himself before others. He wouldn't leave unless it was a emergency and he had a good reason."

Henry's glare stayed cold. "I know he's your friend, but that's not a excuse for his actions." He turned away from Peggy, and towards another group of angels. "Send some angels to look on Earth. Don't come back until you find him."

The angels nodded, and quickly turned and typed. Henry walked away from the reception desk, where Peggy stood stunned, as she watched a group of angels go down the elevator on their way to find John Laurens.

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