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Although Alex vowed to move on, it wasn't easy.

He continuously became more and more reckless in battle. He would rush in without caring about his health or life.

Washington, Hercules, and Lafayette all became increasingly worried. They knew that he was hurting, but didn't know how to help.

Washington knew what he was going through. He was the one who found Alex that day. He found him curled up, crying with John's body in his arms. His heart had broke at the sight. Washington also grieved, as he had viewed John as a son of his. Martha and him were never able to have children, and he knew John had father issues, so he tried to take him under his wing. Well he grieved the loss of his son, Lafayette and Hercules grieved for their best friend and brother. They began to move on, although it hurt, but Alex couldn't.

His recklessness became so dangerous that Washington was thinking about suspending him, but despite this, he never once got hurt. He could run into a army and not a single bullet would hit him.

The reason was because John was there the entire time. He was sent to protect him, and he didn't know who Alex was, he knew he couldn't let him get hurt. And although Alex couldn't see him at first, he knew he was there.

And as his memories slowly came back, he watched as Alex moved on. He married Eliza, who John had met a few times, and when she became pregnant he was supportive. However, he felt a little jealous. He wanted to have a life of his own, but he knew that that would never happen.

So when Philip was born, he became distracted. He was so concentrated on making sure that he was safe that he didn't realize the danger Alex was in until it was too late. John blamed himself.

He blamed himself for years, and when he saw a chance to make things right, he took it.

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