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The next day was not easier.

As soon as Philip came up to his room to go to sleep, Alexander quickly left the room through the window when he was brushing his teeth. He didn't know if it was normal for guardians so stay in the room well whoever they're protecting is sleeping, but Alex couldn't help but find it creepy, so he quickly escaped to the roof.

He paced along the edge, trying to figure out why he had been sent to protect him. Philip seemed like a normal kid, with a normal life. But he couldn't seem to get the pictures out of his head, and why he couldn't see the man's face.

Before he knew it, the sun had risen, and the city had come alive. Cars started to drive down the roads, occasionally honking at each other. Buildings seemed to light up once at a time. People started to go out for morning jogs, a few walking their dogs.

Alex felt a small smile, feeling oddly familiar with the environment, before going back to Philip's bedroom window and looking inside. The room was empty, meaning that he was most likely downstairs.

He quickly opened and closed the window, taking in Philip's room once more. He sighed in boredom. What am I supposed to do?

His eyes widened as he had a idea. He quietly opened and closed Philip's bedroom door, entering a hallway that connects the house. Careful not to make the floorboards creak, he went down the hallway until he finally saw a staircase. He could hear people talking downstairs.

He took a step down the stairs, looking to see if anyone noticed before taking yet another step. He did this until he was finally at the bottom of the stairs, and staring into the kitchen where everyone sat on bar stools next to the island.

There was three kids, the oldest one being Philip next to a girl with pink pajamas on. A boy younger than both of them ran up with a toy truck in his hand, climbing up onto the stool where food was already waiting. Alex realized that these must be Philip's siblings.

There was also two girls. One of them Alex recognized from the photos in Philip's bedroom. He guessed she was Philip's mom. Next to her was a woman who he hadn't seen before, with dark skin and curly dark hair. She opened the fridge and took out a large bottle of orange juice, pouring each child a cup. A gust of wind blew through the room, giving Alex goosebumps.

None of them noticed him, although he couldn't help but feel the presence of eyes boreing into his skull.

Everyone started eating, barely saying a word until Philip spoke up. "Can we go to the beach?"

His mother looked at him, and only now did Alex notice the dark circles under her eyes and her greasy hair. "No, not today sweetie..." She said with a tired voice.

"But we always go to the beach this time of year!" The girl in the pink dress exclaimed, bouncing in her seat.

"Well, that was with your father..." The mother said, with a hint of sadness in their voice.

The kids all sunk back into their seats. "Okay..." Philip mumbled with a defeated voice.

"I could take them." The other lady added, making the kids faces bright up once again.

"Oh, Angelica, I can't ask you to do that." The mother started to protest.

"Don't worry about it, Eliza." Angelica said, offering a supportive smile. "It may be nice to get their minds off everything. You could come, if you'd like."

"No no." Eliza quickly said, shaking her head. "I have too much to do."

"Alright. Call me if you need anything." Angelica said, before turning to the kids. "You heard your mom. Go get your beach stuff! I'll get the toys."

The kids smiled before getting down from their seats and quickly running up the stairs. Alex watched as Philip hopped up each step before disappearing into his room.

"Are you sure you don't want to come?" Angelica asked once more. "You could use a break to get your mind off things."

"No, it's fine, Angelica. You're helping enough!" Eliza said, seeming to force a smile. "Thanks for helping with the kids."

Angelica nodded. "It's no problem. Anything for my sister."

So Angelica is Eliza's sister, so the kids aunt. Alexander thought, starting to put the pieces together.

Eliza gave her a hug. "You better go get your own beach stuff. The kids will be busy playing with their toys, you'll be able to get a tan and relax."

"Alright." Angelica said, nodding, before she went up the stairs and into a room.

Alex watched Eliza for a few seconds, as she pulled out a laptop and started tapping away, before Philip and his siblings came running back downstairs in swimsuits.

"Where's Angelica?" The youngest sibling asked.

"She's getting her own beach stuff. You guys should get some snacks for the beach. Oh, and James, can you get some sunscreen? It's in the bathroom on the shelf."

The youngest sibling, who Alex learned was named James nodded and ran off down yet another hallway. Philip and his sister both went to the pantry and pulled out snacks such as gold fish and fruit snacks. Philip went to the fridge and got some Caprisuns and sandwiches out, and put them on the counter next to the other snacks.

Just as Philip came back, Angelica came downstairs wearing a bikini with a bag with towels in it in one hand. The other hand had a cooler, which she filled with ice and put the drinks and sandwiches in.

"You guys ready?" Angelica asked the kids, in which they all nodded, bouncing up and down in excitement. "Alright! Say bye to your mom."

"Bye mommy!" James said, giving her a hug before running back to Angelica who now stood at the door.

"Bye mom!" Philip said, waving as they started to leave.

Alex quickly ran up behind them, following them along as they walked to the beach.

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