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John stayed up all night. Maybe it was from nerves. Maybe it's because that's what he did every night.

He made breakfast for the Hamilton family. He knew that today was going to be a hard day for all of them, and he wanted to help out any way he could.

He didn't see Alex much. Occasionally, he would see him walk through a room then leave. He would look at him, then look away and move on as if he wasn't even there. Alex said nothing.

John sighed, frustrated. He wanted Alex to talk to him, but didn't know what he'd say. He wanted to grab a pillow and scream into it, but decided not to, to avoid scaring the household.

He walked upstairs, noticing everyone rushing around, going into each others room then leaving just as quickly. There was only one person who hadn't left their room.

He lightly knocked on Philip's room. "Hey Pip. You in there?"

The door opened, and John stepped inside. He saw Philip wearing his suit. His hair was tied back. He looked totally ready, besides his tie, which was lazily around his neck. He looked closed to tears. "I can't tie it."

"Oh, Philip." John said, his heart aching. He bent down and grabbed his tie. "Don't worry, I can do it."

"You can?" Philip asked, wiping a loose tear.

"Of course. Why didn't you ask earlier?"

"I didn't want to bother you." Philip said, frowning. "I knew you were upset yesterday, and I didn't want you to get more upset."

John forced a smile. "Don't worry about me. You can always ask me for help." He said as he finished tying it. "There."

Philip looked in his mirror and stared at the tie in awe. "Who taught you?"

"My dad." John answered. "He was a businessman, and he made sure I knew how to tie a tie."

Philip frowned. "You never talk about your dad. What was he like?"

John grimaced. He didn't like talking about his father, but answered nonetheless. "He was tough. He wasn't home very often. He wanted his children to be perfect. He was less of a father, and more of a boss."

Philip frowned once again. "He sounds like a loser."

John let out a small laugh. "Yeah, I guess he is. Now, go downstairs. I made some breakfast."

Philip nodded. "Thanks John." He said before running off.

Once he was gone, John let out a sigh. He snapped, and his clothes changed into a black suit.

This was going to be a hard day.

~Dream About Me~ ~Lams~Where stories live. Discover now