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"John!" Alex scolded, looking at the blood flowing out of his stomach. "What were you thinking?!" He said, his voice panicky.

Philip bent down. "Oh my god..." he mumbled, his eyes wide. "John..."

"I'm fine..." John mumbled, trying to sit up, but failing. He flinched in pain and fell back down.

"Don't move." Alex told him. "We need to get you to a doctor, or a medic. Isn't there a doctor here? There's supposed to be a doctor here." He looked around frantically. "Where's the fucking doctor?"

"Fuck." Philip said, looking around. "There has to be another doctor somewhere. Is there an angel doctor? What happens when a angel gets hurt?"

"They usually don't-" John said, wincing. "I've never gotten hurt before as a angel. I don't think there is a doctor."

Philip's eyes widened. "Okay, well, are angels immortal? They have to be, right? It's not like there's a afterlife for angels... right?"

John shrugged. "I don't know." He answered, resisting the urge to look down at his stomach.

"We need to bring you to Heaven." Alex decided. "Maybe I could fly you there."

John frowned, reality dawning on him. "We both know that's not going to work."


"No." John said, grabbing Alex's hand. His vision went blurry for a second, before it focused again. "It's fine. It will be okay."

"No!" Alex said, his eyes fearful. "I can't let you die, not again."

"It's okay." John said, a tear sliding down his face.

"No," Alex said. "It's not. It's not okay. This isn't fair!"

John nodded. "Maybe not. But when is life fair?"

Alex wiped a tear from his own face. "I don't want to lose you. Not again."

"You won't." John swore. "I'll see you again. I promise."

Alex blinked another tear out of his eye. "Promise?" He held out his pinky finger.

Despite not knowing how he would see Alex again, he wrapped his pinky around Alex's. "Wait for me?" He asked. This time, he wanted things to be different.

"Of course." Alex said. He leaned in slowly, lightly kissing John's lips before pulling away.

John looked up at the sky, surprise covering his face. "I can see the stars, Alex. I can see them."

Alex forced a smile, not knowing what he meant, but knew he had to say something. "Tell them I said hello."

The bright lights from above peered down at him, as if greeting him, as the light slowly faded from his eyes, leaving Philip and Alexander alone on the field, a dead angel laying in front of them.

~Dream About Me~ ~Lams~Where stories live. Discover now