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When Alex opened his eyes, he wasn't on the couch like before. He was sitting on the edge of a playground. He knew that he must be dreaming. He felt a light tap on his shoulder and turned around.

"Hi!" A boy said, smiling at Alex. He thought it was Philip at first, but he realized this boys hair was up in a ponytail, and was slightly longer than Philip's. His eyes were also hazel, well Philip's were a light brown. "I'm John."

"I'm Alex." Alexander said.

"That's a cool name!" Said a kid next to him, that Alex only then realized was there. There was two, actually. The one who had spoken wore a bandana around his head. The other one had long curly hair tied up in a high pony tail.

"This is Hercules," John said, motioning to the kid who had spoken before. "And this is Lafayette. We call him Laf, though. He's a foreign exchange student from France, so he doesn't speak much English. He's learning though!" He said, motioning to the other curly haired kid.

"Salut! Est-ce que tu parles français?" Lafayette asked.

(Translation: Hello! Do you speak French?)

"Oui, j'ai pris un cours de français quand j'étais plus jeune." Alex answered.

(Translation: Yes, I took a French class when I was younger.)

Lafayette smiled and jumped, clearly excited to have someone who spoke his language.

"You speak French?" John asked, his wide eyes full of wonder. "Can you teach me?"

"Sure!" Alex said, smiling.

"Me too!" Hercules added, bouncing up and down.

"Okay!" Alex said again, feeling happy as the kids smiled back at him.

"Okay, every day at recess we meet at the tower." John said, pointing back at the playground and towards the highest part of the play area. "Make sure you go to that one, not this one." John said, pointing over across the park to another play area, that had a similar but smaller tower. "That's where Lee and Sam play. And Thomas and James usually play near the basketball court, so I'd stay away from there too."

Alex nodded. "What about the swings?" Alex asked, since he usually enjoyed the swings and it would suck if he couldn't go on them anymore.

"Those are neutral territory." Hercules said, nodding his head. "Anyone is aloud there. Same with the drinking fountain."

"Okay..." Alex said, feeling a little confused on where and where he couldn't go.

"Nous pourrions faire une carte pour vous." Laf said. "John est bon en dessin!"

(Translation: We can make a map. John's good at drawing!)

Alex translated to the two other boys who were looking mildly confused. Once he did, Herc immediately agreed.

"Yeah! John's really good at drawing! Once, he drew this hugeee dragon with red scales and it was blowing fire! And there was a knight, but he was on fire, so he was sad. And there was a castle in the back with a dragon and a princess! But the knight couldn't save the princess because he was on fire. It was like a Shakespeare play, it was awesome!" Hercules exclaimed, rambling on and on.

Alex grinned, taking notice of John's bright red face. "It wasn't that good, Herc!"

"Yeah it was! Miss Teacher lady said it was très beau." Hercules said, ending the sentence in horrible French with a accent. Laf snorted, rolling his eyes.

"C'était le pire français que j'aie jamais entendu, mon ami." Laf said, making Herc glare at him and cross his arms.

(Translation: That was the worst french I've ever heard, my friend.)

"I don't know what you said but I know it wasn't a compliment!" Herc said, picking up a piece of grass and throwing it at him.

Alex grinned. So this is what it's like to have friends.

The sound of a bell ringing made them turn their heads. "We better get to class." Herc said, turning to the other kids. "Last one there is a rotten egg!" He yelled before running off towards the door.

John snorted as Laf runned after him. "He does that everyday. We're used to it. Anyway, see you tomorrow!" John said before rushing off after Herc and Laf. Alex waved and watched as he went inside.

And everything went black as he drifted away once more.

~Dream About Me~ ~Lams~Where stories live. Discover now