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John walked upstairs to Alex's office, looking inside. He felt as if he hadn't been in there in years, when it had actually been a few days. The room was starting to get dusty. John has so many memories there that it seemed like it would never be abandoned like it was now.

He peered down on the floor, which was covered in glass and a picture frame. There was a photo on the floor, upside down.

John carefully bent down to pick it up, shaking a little as he flipped it over. The photo was one he had taken in his life. It showed Alexander and himself, a year before they had joined the war. It seemed like a distant memory.

He felt tears start forming in his eyes, which made him quickly blink them away. He would not cry.

John carefully started picking up each piece of glass, avoiding the sharp corners. He started them on the desk when he heard a few foot steps behind him. "Alex?" He asked, not turning around.

"No, just Philip." Philip answered, walking in and standing in front of John. "Are you okay? I heard what happened."

John blinked. "You did?" He prepared himself to get yelled at again.

Philip nodded. "So, is dad really here too?"

John was not expecting the question. In fact, he expected screams and yells. But he nodded anyways.

Philip gave John a smile of sympathy. "So, you couldn't tell him who he was? And he's mad?"

John nodded, guilt flooding in. "I couldn't."

Philip didn't press for answers. Instead, he bent down and helped him pick up the glass. He made extra carefully not to cut himself, because every time Philip's hand got too close to a sharp edge John would scold him.

Once they were done and threw away the broken glass, John stared at the picture that was in his hand. He hadn't let go of it this entire time.

"Can I see?" Philip asked, and John nodded, handing him the photo. "This was dad's favorite. That's why it was right on his desk."

John smiled to himself, before remembering the fight. It quickly faded away. Philip noticed.

"I'm sure he'll realize that you had no choice. It will be fine!" Philip reassured him. "He couldn't have traveled that far. And he's coming back, don't worry."

John raised a eyebrow. "How do you know?"

Philip shrugged. "I just know." He didn't explain himself or say anything else. He just stayed quiet.

John put a hand on Philip's shoulder. "Thanks Pip." He said, using his other hand to ruffle his hair, efficiently messing it up.

Philip playfully rolled his eyes and laughed. "No ones called me Pip in years!"

"I just did." John said, smirking.

Philip rolled his eyes again. "You're not bringing that nickname back." He said. "I'm going back downstairs to talk with Laf and Herc." He said, walking towards the door.

"Okay, see you later Pip." John said once Philip was out the door, making him sigh so loudly that John could hear from the office. He let out a small laugh, then looked around the room.

His eyes landed on the large window behind Alex's desk. John approached it and looked outside.

He hadn't ever really looked out of Alexander's window but now he realized why he loved his office so much. The view was beautiful. It over looked the woods and river below. It felt as if he were above the world, watching earth from above. He couldn't help but look at the sky. It was clear, like it always was. Angels can't see stars, so the only stars John could see were the ones from his memories.

As he stared off, as much as he wanted to admire the scenery, he couldn't help but get distracted, wondering where Alex went and if he was okay.

~Dream About Me~ ~Lams~Where stories live. Discover now