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The duo roamed the city, looking everywhere until the sun was starting to set. They looked at Philip's house, his school, and even dorm mate, but no one knew where he was.

"This is hopeless." Alex mumbled, sitting down at a curb.

John sat down next to him. "If only I could get a connection." He groaned. He sat against a street lamp. Alex thought that they looked homeless, but thankfully no one could see them and wouldn't give them spare change.

After a few seconds, Alex finally spoke. "Can we talk? About what happened awhile ago..."

John nodded. "Yeah, sure..." he trailed off.

"I just wanted to say that, I'm sorry." Alex said. The word 'sorry' was foreign to his mouth. He wasn't used to apologizing, and actually meaning it.

John shrugged. "It's fine, I understand. I probably would have done the same thing."

"That still doesn't make it okay..." Alex mumbled.

John shrugged again. "I don't blame you, though."

"Then why were you avoiding me?" Alex asked, frowning. "You were never watching Philip when I was there. It was like you left as soon as I came to see him."

John blinked. "No, it's not like that!" He quickly said. "I wasn't visiting Philip as much because..." He sighed. "My dad told me not to."

Alex raised a eyebrow. He knew that something was wrong between them. "What?"

"Well, you know how I'm a guardian angel, right?" John asked and Alex nodded. "Well, that's what type of angel I am. But, after my dad died and he became CEO, he decided that he didn't want me to be a guardian angel and that it wasn't a good job for me. He made me work for him, and wouldn't allow me to visit earth, or the kids I'm supposed to be protecting. For the past few years I've had to sneak out to visit them..."

Alex frowned. "I'm sorry, John. That's sounds awful."

John nodded. "It's been difficult..."

A question popped into Alex's head. "Wait, you said kids, right?" He asked and John nodded. "Well, I know about Philip, Angie, James, and Theo, but is there anyone else?"

John paled. "There was a few others...."

Alex didn't want to pry, but curiosity got the better of them. "Who were they?"

"My siblings." John answered, looking down at his feet.

Alex's eyes widened. He had forgotten that John had siblings, and now, the memories were starting to come back to him. "I kind of remember. Mary, Henry, Martha and..." he trailed off, forgetting the last one.

"James." John finished. "Martha is married now. She had twins a few years ago. Mary and Henry are both adults. They haven't needed my help in years. But James was the one I helped out the most. He was the youngest, and was always getting into danger. But, I was always there to get him out of trouble." John recalled fondly, although Alex sensed a hint of sadness in his voice. "But, my dad won't let me visit him anymore. He says he needs to learn how to live without me. I've tried visiting him, but I always almost get caught. He has angels guarding the house. Last time I saw him he was eleven.

"Wow..." Alex muttered. He had already disliked his dad, but now he felt a burning hatred. "I'm sorry John. You don't deserve that..."

John shrugged it off. "It's not a big deal, I'm used to it."

"That still doesn't mean it's right." Alex's said, starting to ramble on. "You should be able to see your brother. It's bullshit that your father would punish you for being a good person. Like, a actual good person. You put yourself above others and go against your fathers orders, and it's so amazing. I don't think you understand how amazing it is! Your so brave and I wish that you would start to realize that-"

And suddenly, John's lips were on his. Alex's face turned bright red, but he didn't pull away. Infact, he leaned into it, lifting his hand to John's cheek. After a few seconds they pulled away.

"Wow." Alex said, not sure what to say.

"Anyway," John said, quickly changing the subject, as his face turned red. "we should probably go look more for Philip, before-" He was cut off by the sound of his name.

"John!" Alex heard a voice yell and they both turned around. Alex saw Theo running frantically towards them, a horrified look on her face.

"Theo! What's wrong?" John quickly asked, his eyes wide. "Did something happen?"

"It's Philip!" Theo exclaimed, gasping for breath. She stared at John, her eyes panicked. "He's engaging in a duel in Weehawken!"

~Dream About Me~ ~Lams~Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz