0 (Prologue)

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There was a gunshot.

Then there was nothing at all.

Nothing but darkness for miles on end.

Final words had been said, but you couldn't seem to remember them.

The floor seemed to be made of water, but that can't be possible. You can't walk on water.

No memories. Nothing but silence.

Fear starts to grow. I can't be here. I don't belong here.



The voice echos through the silence. Relief fills you at the sound of another persons voice, in the emptiness. Despite this, your nerves don't calm.

Where am I?

You would ask back, horrified. You don't want to be here. You want to go back.


And then, as if were never there at all, your eyes would go black as your memories drifted away, leaving you as you had left them.

~Dream About Me~ ~Lams~Where stories live. Discover now