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The elevator played "Piano Man" by Billy Joel as Alex went up. The song changed in the middle, to yet another Billy Joel song which made him a little confused.

The elevator made a ding as it finally reached the seven hundredth and eighty third floor. Alex took a shaky breath before stepping out of the elevator.

He was expecting it to lead right to the office, but instead there was a reception desk and a door, which he assumed led to the office. He walked up to the receptionist. "Hello?"

The girl looked up, and Alex almost immediately recognized her. She was the girl he saw John talking to before, and he now knew that her name was Peggy Schyler. She was Eliza and Angelicas sister.

"Alex?" She asked, her eyes widening. "It's so good to see you!"

"You too, Pegs!" He replied, his mood brightening. That's just what happened when you were around Peggy. All of your worries seem like nothing. "Are you the receptionist here?"

"Yup!" Peggy replied with a smile. "I've worked here for almost eleven human years!"

"Awesome!" Alex replied, his smile not wavering.

"Anyway," She said, straightening up as if remembering she was supposed to be working, "what are you doing here?"

"I'm here to see John. Martha said he's here."

Peggy nodded slightly, but Alex noticed her smile changed. She looked slightly nervous. "Well, he's a little busy right now... can it wait?"

Alex firmly shook his head. "It's important. It's about Philip, he's in danger."

Peggy bit her lip, thinking for a second and looking around, as if making sure no one was watching, before sighing. "Fine, let me see your I.D.."

Alex smiled. "Thanks Pegs!" He said as he handed her his I.D., which he would probably never use again, and scanned it.

"Good luck... and watch out for the CEO." She said, handing the I.D. back.

Alex forced a smile as he got more nervous. "Alright. Thanks Pegs. We should meet up again some time to catch up."

"That would be great." Peggy said nodding. "There's a good cafe down the street. We can talk about it later. But now, go inside."

Alex nodded. He reached for the door handle, wrapping his hand around it, and closing his eyes. He braced himself.

One... two... three.

He swung the door open before he could think twice about it. He was immediately met with a room full of angels, many of whom were running around. No one seemed to notice him.

He looked around the room, trying to spot John, when finally, his eyes landed on a familiar head of curly hair. There he was. He was talking to someone, who looked surprisingly like Hercules. He recognized him as James Madison, who he had a rivalry with when he was alive. He pushed that aside. He was about to walk over there when he turned around, and boom.

Their eyes connected.

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