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The name John sounded familiar. That's what Alex thought the entire walk back to the house, trying to think of any people he knew whose name was "John". The only one he could come up with was John Adams, and that's not why the name felt familiar. It was if he was trying to pull something from the back of his mind that was locked away.

John's entire presence just seems familiar. That's the only way Alex can describe it. He feels comfortable with him, despite the fact that he should be scared that he's meeting an angel.

"Have we met before?" Alex asked, looking at John who was walking in front of him. "You seem really familiar."

John turned around for a split second to look back at Alex. He bit his lip, and nervously pinched his thigh. "No, I don't think so." He said, although something in his voice seemed off, as if he was forcing himself to say it.

Alex also had learned some things in Hell. He knew that biting your lip was a tell of lying, and after interviewing people in Hell, he could usually tell when someone was lying. And John, was not a good liar.

He didn't mention it, however. He knew that he needed John to help him. He wanted to understand how to be a good protector, and he wanted to learn the basics of the world that weren't in Demons 101.

They continued walking in silence until they finally reached the house. Angelica pulled a key out from under a rock near the door, and unlocked the door before putting it back in its original place.

John sighed and took the key from under the rock and put in his pocket. Alex looked at him confused, before following John's eyes which landed on a white van across the street, sitting there with two people in the front. They stared at the group as they entered the house, as John and Alex both followed them in.

"You saw the van? How?" Alex asked, amazed at how John was able to protect the family so easily. He was having a difficult time just protecting Philip.

"Angel powers. It's like a radar in my head that goes off when something bad is about to happen, or could happen." John answered, walking up the stairs as if he was in his own house.

"Oh. That must come in handy." Alex said, feeling a little jealous. From what he knew, Demons didn't have many helpful powers.

"Yeah. That's why angels are the more known protectors, because their powers are meant for it." John answered.

Alex nodded. The hallway got silent as John leaned against the wall.

"So, how do you know Philip and his family?" Alex asked, curious on the relation. He did learn in Demon 101 that when angels were sent to protect someone they often had some relation to them in their life.

"I'm his godfather." John answered, shrugging.

Alex forced himself not to seem to shocked, although part of him was. John didn't seem like the "godparent" type.

He couldn't help but remember something from earlier that John said. "You said something about being active or dormant. What does that mean?"

John thought for a second of how to explain it. "Active is when I take a physical form, like I am now. When I'm dormant I would take the form of air or something else, just kind of watching, but ready to react at a moments notice, kind of like a volcano If I'm active I can still take the form of things, but I'm way more observant than if I was dormant. It's kind of like taking a nap. I've been active for about a week."

Alex nodded, but that only brought up another question. "What made you become active?"

John's face went dark, and Alex knew he asked the wrong question.

~Dream About Me~ ~Lams~Where stories live. Discover now