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"You okay?" Alex asked as the elevator went down.

John nodded. "Yeah, it's no big deal."

"You sure?" Alex asked. He knew John was hiding something, but he didn't want to pressure John to tell him. Despite this, he couldn't forget how John flinched when his father stood up. Something about their relationship wasn't as it seemed.

The elevator opened, and John calmly stepped out. He walked to the receptionist desk.

"Hey John!" Martha greeted. "You're out early."

"What's up?" Kitty asked.

"If my dad asks, tell him I went to my apartment." John said, making them both looked at him with a confused look.

"Are you asking me to lie to your father?" Martha asked.

"Please, Martha." John begged.

She looked back at Kitty, who was nodding. "Fine," she sighed, "but you better go."

John smiled. "Thanks Martha! Thanks Kitty!"

"Good luck John!" Kitty yelled as John and Alex ran outside, the cold air hitting Alex and making him wish he had brought a jacket, once again. John looked over at him and noticed his shivering, which made him raise an eyebrow in confusion.

"Are you cold??" John asked.

"What? Me? No! No way!" Alex quickly lied, not wanting to be a bother. John rolled his eyes, not believing a word he said. Alex sighed. "Maybe a little." He admitted.

John snorted, taking off the jacket part of his suit. "Here." He said, holding the jacket out. "It's made for heaven, so it's magically warm. Take it."

Alex stared at it before looking up at John suspiciously. His cheeks were red, and not only from the cold. "You sure? Won't you be cold?"

"I'll be fine." John answered. "I've been here for years, I'm used to it."

"Okay..." Alex answered, reluctantly taking the jacket and putting it on. He immediately felt warmer, as if he was back in Hell. "What now?"

"We need to go to earth." John said, grabbing his arm and starting to run. "Cmon!" He exclaimed, dragging Alex along.

"How are we going to get to earth?? Flying will take too long!" Alex exclaimed, as they both increased their speed. They were now basically running, and Alex was struggling to keep up with him.

"We can go on the train! It will be very inconspicuous, and no one will think that we're breaking the law!"

"Wait, what-" Alex said, his eyes widening as he stopped. "We're breaking the law?"

"Well, technically..." John trailed off, shrugging. "In Heaven if you disobey someone a rank above you then you're breaking the law. It's kind of a messed up system..."

Alex slapped John in the shoulder. "How are you not freaking out right now?! We can get arrested!"

John shrugged. "Well, you wouldn't, since you're not an angel. Plus, there's worse punishments than being arrested."

Alex blinked. He didn't really want to know what those punishments were. "Okay, fine. We need to go soon, before they catch on."

"Great!" John exclaimed and continued walking. "The next train will be leaving..." he looked at his phone. "Five minutes."

Alex blinked. "You have the train times memorized?"

John nodded. "I memorized it just in case there was emergencies like this."

~Dream About Me~ ~Lams~Where stories live. Discover now