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"Come on!" John yelled, running inside his large house. Alex quickly followed.

"Are you sure I'm allowed to stay over?" Alex asked, not wanting to get in trouble.

"Of course!" John said, smiling. "My mom said so. My dad won't be home for a few more hours, anyways."

Alex nodded. "Okay!" He said, following John as he walked through the house. Alex found himself amazed at the size and everything inside. There was a flatscreen tv in their living room. They walked past the foyer and there was a crystal chandelier hanging from the ceiling. Everything seemed almost magical.

"Mom! I'm home, and Alex is with me!" John called out.

"I'm in the kitchen!" A voice called back. John grabbed Alex's arm and dragged him down the hall.

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" Alex whispered, losing his nerve.

"Yeah, don't worry." John whispered back. "My mom is one of the best people ever."

"Okay..." Alex said, although he was still nervous. He knew how much John loves his mom, and if she didn't like him she would probably never let them hang out again.

John dragged Alex into the kitchen. Alex at first didn't notice anyone, until he saw someone turned, washing their hands at a sink. They turned around, revealing a young woman with blonde hair and freckles. At first, Alex thought it was John's sister, because she looked too young to be his mother.

"Hi mom!" John said, and the woman smiled widely. "This is Alex." John said, motioning to Alex.

"Hi." Alex said quietly, suddenly turning shy.

"Nice to meet you, Alex." She said, smiling. "Want some cookies?" She said, motioning to a rack of cookies. "They just came out of the oven."

"Yes please!" Alex said immediately, making her let out a small laugh.

"Me too!" John exclaimed, jumping onto a stool. Alex sat on the one next to him.

"Can you guys please shut up?" A voice called from the next room over.

"Shut up Martha!" John yelled back, making his mom shake her head.

"Both of you stop it, we have a guest." She said, sighing. A girl a few years older than Alex walked in, and sat down a few stools away from John. She looked like a older and female version of John.

"I want the biggest cookie." Martha said, observing the cookies. She pointed to the one that was bigger than the rest. "That one."

"No way!" John exclaimed. "You don't deserve it!"

Martha glared at him. "And you deserve it more?"

"Yeah," John said, smirking. "I'm the favorite."

Alex giggled as they continued to argue. A plate was placed in-front of him, and on it was the biggest cookie. Alex grinned.

The two siblings stared at the cookie as Alex took a bite out of it. They both looked at each other, and looked back at Alex. Alex slowly chewed as they stared at him.

And as if they all knew what was about to happen, the two siblings stood up and chased Alex, who ran away, and up the stairs, the sound of laughter echoing the halls.

Alex wake the fuck up.



Alex slowly opened his eyes. "What do you want, Maria?" He asked his roommate.

They both worked together and eventually moved in together, since rent in hell isn't exactly cheap. They got close in the past year, and despite what some of their coworkers think, they aren't dating. In fact, their relationship is entirely platonic.

"Washington wants you." She said, brushing her dark brown hair off her shoulder.

"Can it wait?" Alex asked.

Maria shook her head. "He said it's important. So, put some fucking pants on, get out of bed, and go see him."

Alex grabbed his closest pillow at threw it at Maria, who quickly closed the door, smirking.

Alex sighed and quickly got dressed and went to work, expecting the worst. He walked in and immediately saw Thomas smirking at him.

"Aw, did you get it trouble?" Thomas asked.

Alex rolled his eyes. "I don't know. Did you snitch?"

Now it was Thomas' turn to roll his eyes. "I, for once,  didn't say anything."

"Whatever..." Alex replied, not believing him, as he walked to Washington's "office". He opened the door which led to the forest area he was starting to get used to.

He saw Washington. "Maria said you wanted to see me?"

Washington modded. "Yes, feel free to sit down." He said, and Alex did, sitting down at one of the couches. "I have another mission for you."

Alex nodded. "Alright. What is it?"

"It's Philip. He's in danger."

Alex's eyes widened. "What?!"

"You need to save him, and to do that... you need to get John."

"You can't be serious..." Alex mumbled.

"I'm sorry." He said, as he pulled a piece of paper out of a folder. "You'll have to go to heaven. Go to the big building in the middle of the city, and give this paper to the receptionist." He said, handing Alex a piece of paper.

"Are you sure I need to get John? I am perfectly capable of doing it on my own."

Washington sighed. "Yes, I am sure."

Alex groaned, but nodded. "Alright. How do I get there?"

"Just take the metro train. It can bring you anywhere, including Heaven. Just don't get on the wrong train."

"Fine." Alex mumbled, standing up and turning around about to leave.

"And Alex?" Washington called out.

"What?" Alex replied back, slightly annoyed.

"Don't be a idiot." He said, turning into black smoke and disappearing before Alex could even respond, leaving him alone in the forest.

~Dream About Me~ ~Lams~Where stories live. Discover now