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"Wake up, John."

John slowly opened his eyes, being greeted by a pair of brown eyes staring at him. "Alex?"

"You're awake." Alex said, grinning. "I just wanted to say goodbye, I'm heading out for the mission thing now, remember?"

John nodded. "When are you going to be back?"

"Hopefully by noon today." Alex said, leaning in and lightly kissing John on the lips. "Don't worry, I'll be fine."

"You better be." John said, smiling. "I love you."

Alex stood up, and put on his hat. "I love you too." He said, before leaving the tent. John closed his eyes again, peacefully drifting back to sleep.

He was once again awoken by the sound of birds chirping. This time, instead of falling back asleep, he got up and got ready, leaving the tent.

"Hey Laf." He said, greeting his French friend. "What time is it?"

"Hey mon ami." Lafayette said, before looking at the sun. "Hmmm, maybe one. I don't have a clock on me."

John nodded, taking a few seconds to look around before turning back to Lafayette. "Where's Alex?"

"I'm not sure." Laf said, shrugging. "He should be back by now..."

Just then, Washington turned the corner. John looked up at him, expecting him to say that Alex was back, but instead, he turned to Laf. "Lafayette, can I speak with you for a second?" He said, before looking briefly at John. "Privately." He added.

Lafayette nodded, as they walked a few feet away. John stood uncomfortably, looking around to see if he could see Alex. He watched as Washington whispered to Lafayette, who instinctively covered his mouth in shock. Washington said one last thing, making him nod, before they walked back toward him.

"John, Lafayette and I need to talk to you..."

Laf nodded. "Yes," he said, grabbing John's shoulder. "Come with me." He said, leading a confused John to the largest tent. Washington gave a angry look to the other soldiers, warning them not to follow, as he shut the tent opening, leaving everyone in the camp to wonder what had happened.

Hours later, a soldier peaked through the tent door. He saw Washington sitting at a chair, and John sitting in the corner next to him. He held a mug in his hand and had a blanket draped around him. "Sir?"

"Yes?" Washington asked, making John's head perk up. "Any updates."

"We still haven't found him." The soldier said, shifting uncomfortably. "We've looked all around the explosion but there's no sign of him. We suggest that we stop looking-"

"No!" John quickly interrupted, as he stood up to match the soldiers height. "Don't stop looking until you find him!"

"John-" Washington warned, and although it wasn't noticeable, there was pain in his voice.

"No, you don't understand." John said, his voice starting to tremble. "We need to find him! I can't just leave him! George, please-" He said, his voice breaking as he fell into Washington's arms. Washington comfortingly rubbed his back.

He looked at the uncomfortable soldier. "Stop the search. Tell the soldiers-" he started to say his own voice breaking. "Tell the soldiers Alexander Hamilton is dead."

When it was dark, the soldiers lit a fire in honor of him. They sat around the fire, telling stories of Alexander and the things he did.

"He saved my life." One soldier remembered.

"He's the one who convinced me to join." Another said.

Some told find memories. Lafayette stood up and recounted a story of how he stole the British's canons. He looked to John, hoping he would say something. He shakily stood up.

"Alex was a good man. He was one of the best people I have ever known, and if he was here today-" He started to say, but couldn't finish before breaking into tears. He sat back down, laying against Hercules, who hugged him in comfort. A few soldiers shifted uncomfortably, since they had never seen one of their brave and strong leaders cry. Hercules gave a sharp glare at anyone who looked at John the wrong way, making many of them just avoid looking at him all together. They looked anywhere but at him, including the ground, the sky, and each other. Hercules said a few things to John that only he could hear, and no one spoke in fear of getting yelled at.

Washington cleared his throat. He looked at Hercules, as if asking for permission, who nodded. He stood up, getting the attention of the soldiers. "Today, we lost not only a good soldier, but we also lost a friend, a brother, and a son. If Alex we're here he would probably say something that would lighten the mood, but-"

Before Washington could finish his speech, a voice from behind the fire made everyone turn their heads. "Why is everyone so sad? Is this a funeral of something?"

Hercules' eyes widened. "Alex?!"

Alex stood dripping wet in-front of a hundred of soldiers. "What happened well I was gone?"

No one moved. The first one to do anything was John. He stood up and stomped toward Alex, and punched him angrily in the shoulder, before immediately hugging him.

"If you ever do that again I'll kill you." John said, squeezing Alexander as tight as he could, as if making sure he wouldn't disappear.

"Is that a threat?" Alex asked, jokingly.

"No." John said, smiling to himself. "It's a promise."

Alex laughed, and the rest of the army cheered. They rushed towards him, patting him on the back and sharing a few words with him. Laf and Herc congratulated him on not dying, and for a moment, John felt as if everything might be okay.

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