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A second term arrive as the students have another assembly. "Bonjour everybody. The second season starts today," said Mari. At the back, Taichi still in his augma, chuckles. "If this is an anime, yeah, it is second season," muttered Taichi. 

<RussianBlonde>: You're not joining the assembly?

<SenshiOfMiracles>: Nah, too boring. I'll stay on the back just in case they need me

"Did I tell you that you should speak like a director would? You're suppose to say 'Please behave in a way befitting an Uranohoshi student and study hard.', " said Dia. "Behave in a befouling way?" asked Mari. "I said befitting!" yelled Dia, earning a chuckle from the dark brown haired. 

<RussianBlonde>: That school is very interesting

<SenshiOfMiracles>: You have no idea. Having third year as a chairwoman kinda crazy

<RussianBlonde>: What about the student council president?

<SenshiOfMiracles>: Remember the raven girl that video-chat you few days ago? She is the student council president

<RussianBlonde>: She looks strict and responsible

<SenshiOfMiracles>: Yeah, she is. She is kinda like you without the school idol fan

<RussianBlonde>: You always girl magnet, honey. You always get girls attract to you without you even trying

<SenshiOfMiracles>: You do know how scary that sound

<RussianBlonde>: I know. I mean you have no problem flirting with girls after we returned from US

<SenshiOfMiracles>: She is the one flirting with me. Beside, I turned her down since I have you and Maki

<RussianBlonde>: How did you get her to become your fiance?

<SenshiOfMiracles>: Just how Maki and you get me to become your fiance. The reason? Your guess is as good as mine

"Tai." He looks up to see Chika, You and Riko look at him. "The assembly is over. Let's head towards the class," said Chika. "Good idea," said Taichi as he follows them.

After class ends, the girls warm up at the roof as Taichi does his own exercise. "Open house, huh," said Taichi. Dia walks towards him and stands beside him. "So, maybe you can train us to be a better school idol," said Dia. "Why me?" asked Taichi. "Because you used to train Muse before," said Dia. "Yes but they tried my training regime for one day and none of them survive," said Taichi. "How many kilometers they need to run on your training regime?" asked Kanan. "20 kilometers up and down hill. 1 kilometer climbing, 25 kilometers swimming against current and that was the easiest level of my training regime," said Taichi as the girls swallow their saliva. "We won't survive that kind of training," whined Chika. "That was the easiest?" asked Kanan. "Yeah we have training regime level from easiest to the hardest," said Taichi. 

At night, Taichi relaxes on his sofa. Dia lies on the same sofa, her head is on his lap.  "Aren't you suppose to have training by now?" asked Taichi. "I already done my koto training before I came here. I did my homework while waiting for you to finish whatever you're doing," said Dia. She picks up one of the unused augma and wears it. "Welcome Dia Kurosawa." She smiles. "How to I see the apps?" asked Dia. "Just slide on the air while you look at it," said Taichi. 

The next day, the girls gather at one of the shopping complex as Taichi checks the checklist he has on his notebook. Dia just stands beside him, looking at the group that chitchatting and planning. He sees Mari looks at them sadly. "Hold a sec," called Kanan. The girls look at her. "Before that, there is something we need to tell you," said Kanan. Taichi looks up. "To tell you the truth, the school open house will be cancelled," said Mari, almost cried. They shock. "What do you mean?" asked Riko. "It means exactly what it sounds like," said Kanan. "So the school open house will be cancelled?" asked Taichi. "Yeah. Uranohoshi High will officially stop recruiting students for next year," said Kanan. He sighs. 'I need to talk to the Education Minister' thinks Taichi. "Isn't it too sudden?" asked Yoshiko. "The second term is only just started," said Hanamaru. "From the students' perspective, it may seems that way. But the school has been consider combining it with another school for the past two years," said Dia. "Mari tried her hard to persuade her dad, so it was postponed until now," said Kanan. "But there've been more prospective students, right?" asked Taichi. "We have zero first but now we have ten," said Riko. "I'm sure we will have that number increase," said Taichi. "Of course I told him that but that alone wasn't enough to overturn the decision," said Mari. 

At night, Taichi looks outside the window, holding his smartphone. He sighs. 'I manage to convince Mari's dad not to stop the school open house' thinks Taichi. He looks back at the ocean. 'Now it up to them' thinks Taichi. 

The next day, Taichi stands on the field, looking at the sunrise. He looks at new arrival Chika. Before he could say hi, the orange haired suddenly roars

Chika thinks her roar sound;

What Taichi hears;

He sweatdrops. 'Not sure if I can call that roar cute or what' thinks Taichi. "I'll make a miracle happen no matter what!" yelled Chika. The dark brown haired smiles. "Leave that to me, kiddo," said Taichi. "Until then, I won't cry! I'm not gonna cry!" yelled Chika. "I knew you'd come." Chika looks at You. "You-chan. How you'd.." trailed Chika. "I don't know but look," said You. Chika looks at the remain member of Aqours. "Everyone," said Chika. "We're on the same wavelength, zura," said Hanamaru. The orange haired smiles happily. "I bet we don't want to give up," said Chika. "None of us will," said Taichi. "We just don't want to give up. I know Mari-chan tried very hard all this time but I haven't . The rest of us haven't done anything yet," said Chika. "You're right," said Riko. "We maybe wasting our time but I want us to try until the very end. I want us to struggle. I want to search the radiance that I glimpsed. I want to find it," said Chika. "You never did know when to give up, Chika," said Kanan. "Don't be the pot calling the kettle black," said Dia. "Says the pie," said Ruby as her sister shocks. The dark brown haired chuckles. The orange girl looks at the dark brown haired. "So, what do you think?" asked Chika. "Chika-chi. Everyone," said Mari. Taichi looks at the girls. "Okay girls, time to practice hard for Love Live," said Taichi. "Yeah!" yelled the girls.

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