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At the hall, the girls sit surrounding the map. Taichi stands on the stage, looking around. 'Let's see, the distance between the school and Love Live prelims are around 25 kilometers. They need to use the bus from here to the stage so they need to be first contestant so they can head back here for their open house performance. If they miss being the first, it will be almost impossible for them to perform 2 concerts at the same time' thinks Taichi. He looks at the girls. 'Maybe I can help them with my heli this time. After all that helicopter never flies and only stay inside the hangar' thinks Taichi. "Who is the girl at your apartment this morning?" Taichi looks at Dia. He smirks. "The leader of Muse's rival and Love Live first winner. They have concert tour coming on and they're stopping at Numazu," said Taichi. "Muse's rival?" asked Chika, wondering as the Kurosawa sibling gasp. "Tsubasa Kira of A-Rise!" yelled Dia and Ruby. "Unfortunately, they have rehearsal for concert on the same night your performance on both Love Live and Open House," said Taichi, causing the duo to pout. "Why is she there anyway?" asked Mari. "Just some discussion about future," said Taichi. "Is she your fiance too?" asked Kanan. "Nope. Just my girlfriend," said Taichi. "I don't understand," said Riko. "Focus on Love Live first. Everything will be explained in the future," said Taichi.

Few others later, Taichi stands at the living room, double checking the schedule for Aqours. "I have a feeling they won't get first turn so I better prepared," said Taichi as he clicks the information about Love Live prelims to his hangar. 

"Sir, Miss Kurosawa is at the door right now." He chuckles. "Let's see what she is going to cry about now," said Taichi as he opens the door. Dia rushes in and hug him. "Let me guess, you girls didn't get first," said Taichi. "We got 24th. What are we going to do?" asked Dia. "And you need to choose between Love Live and Open House," said Taichi. "What is your suggestion?" asked Dia. "Simple. Do both," said Taichi. "Can we do it? The distance....." trailed Dia. "Miracle happens when you believe in it. So believe in miracles," said Taichi. Dia nods, holding his hand. 

The prelims day arrive.

The girls change their clothes and rush out. "Where is he?" asked Dia. A beep on her phone as she opens the screen. "Head towards the field," read Dia. They head towards the nearby field and shock to see a helicopter standby on the field with a pilot waiting on the side. "Excuse me. I was instructed by Mr Kamiya to bring you to Uranohoshi for your open house. Please come in," said the pilot. The girls head in.

At Uranohoshi, Taichi arrives at the main gate. He looks up and see the helicopter arrives and land on nearby field. "Everything is according to plan," said Taichi.

Taichi looks at the performance. Tsubasa stands beside him. "Looks like you're fully prepared," said Tsubasa. "Yeah. Where will you head towards next?" asked Taichi. "Hokkaido. Why? You want to follow us?" asked Tsubasa with a smirk. "I'm a student here, remember? Beside, you have a fan that really want to see you," said Taichi. "I can spend my time here meeting my fan for a while," said Tsubasa.

After the performance, the girls head towards him as the Kurosawa duo shock to see Tsubasa. "Can we have your autograph please?" asked Dia and Ruby. The leader of A-Rise smiles. "Sure, no problem," said Tsubasa. 

Taichi stands aside and sees the girls talk to Love Live first champion. "You sure knows everything and plan everything fast." He looks at Kanan that stand beside him. "Yeah, I do what it takes to help you girls," said Taichi. The blunette looks at the dark brown haired. "Well, I know you have Dia and Mari as your fiance but maybe you can add another girl as your girlfeiend," said Kanan. He smiles. "I'll think about it. Meanwhile you can reunite with the girls and have fun," said Taichi. The blunette nods.

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